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SAM3 & Toliss ISCS integration


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I am uncertain about the integration of SAM3 and Toliss ISCS panel.

One of the reasons for raising this question is that my ACARS report shows numerous adjustments to fuel quantity which I would like to explore.

After importing my Simbrief flight plan, the block fuel and number of passengers shown in SAM3 mirrors the values in the flight plan (but, for some reason, the cargo weight has to be manually adjusted).

I don't know if the values shown in SAM3 are only used to determine loading times (i.e. visual only) or if they physically impact on the performance of the aircraft?

My next question refers to 'block fuel' where my practise is to round up to the nearest 100 kg and add an additional 100 kg (learned from RL pilots on Youtube).

Should the revised amount be manually entered into SAM3, ISCS or both?

My system:
X-Plane 12, Windows 10, Toliss A319, A321, A346, SAM3 Base Plugin 3.1.10, SAM GroundService 1.0.4


Edited by slicker55
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