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Stale METARS in xE database


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@Captain Kitten

Magnus, does xE's weather database have the capability to filter out stale METARs? I have encountered some situations with erroneous weather when using xE in both XP11 and MSFS because the nearest METAR was very old and reporting significantly different conditions than the surrounding area.

There are some facilities that report manual observations only, and therefore do not report weather when the tower is closed. That can lead to the last observation becoming several days old if the tower does not operate continuously (as an example, this is common with U.S. domestic military fields). There are also situations where a weather station may have been de-commissioned. An example of this: I often encounter strange weather around PHJH (in Hawaii) because its AWOS-3 has been decommissioned for several years. I believe it last operated in 2019 or 2020, and there is currently no weather reporting there. However, xE's database has incorporated the same stale METAR, dated the 27th of some month, ever since.

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