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Sooo, I'm starting with existing scenery and terramax if thats ok. Started with Mr X's Japan Pro Tokyo scenery and Matsuyama scenery. Probably during the beginning of the week, I'll create a new airport somewhere and use just OpenScenery to populate it to see what i can find, if thats ok.. Is there a test mattrix available of should I just wing it???


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Thank you for volunteering to test.  My main priority is to get as many people to install it and run X-Plane normally, to check it is working across as wide a range of scenery packages as possible and doesn't cause any strange or unexpected behaviour. This includes both seasons and static aircraft auto-placement.

If you would like to take it a step further and start building and testing scenery for seasonal changes, that would be fantastic but I can't really offer a structured plan for that. The only items affected at the moment are the vegetation (including forests of grass, plants and trees as well as individual plant objects) so I suggest you concentrate on those. Note that seasons should be applied to the vegetation in all existing packages that use OpenSceneryX as well as new ones.

Best wishes,
Austin G.

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Heh, for the same reason - such an enormous variety in the use of OpenSceneryX, combined with different plugins and X-Plane configurations, its hard to say what bugs I’m looking for. Some key things:

The main one is actually with the static aircraft switched on, because this is the first time OSX injects anything into the core sim. I’m looking for anomalies in placement or type of static aircraft.

Secondly is the general display of vegetation in various seasons. I’m really aiming for consistency between your chosen seasonal plug-in and OSX vegetation - if you are seeing autumn elsewhere, I would like OSX to show autumn vegetation too. 

Finally, I’ll investigate anything anomalous (like the LOD behaviour you have reported in the other thread). 

Sorry for being a bit vague, I believe everything fundamentally works, it’s just I can’t be sure it works across a huge variety of installations. 

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