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Everything posted by Bakr

  1. Based on above discussions, we can comfortable establish the XENVIRO 1.10 is GPU dependent. a futuristic dual NV-LINKED GPU setup RTX 2080 TI (with Vulkan) -- i wonder about wonders it can make - and really hope XEN will scale-up automatically - in both or either of the two folds (maybe user preference): performance quality
  2. A quick comment on the performance tuning aspect,,, whereby the blurring effect to hide the grain is indeed helping out --- i wanted to say that it is worth to superimpose an unsharpen mask after the blur this helps maintain sharp clouds with less grain ... corona render in 3dsmax - adopts such a live post-processing effect/technique just sharing my thought
  3. Thanks for the aspiring new screenshots. Interesting, Can you please shed some light on areas of 'friction' with the sim engine limits that currently challenge and affect the development decision to try to maneuver and work-around . we know the folk a Laminar are at stretch now to get the Vulcan on its legs ,,, so that we community will start raising our poll voices to promote enhanced revisits on the SDK that relates to weather engine.
  4. this would really show-case the unique features and power of the engine - i do vote for having a preset ability like that.
  5. for a moment i was dragged to gaze at the giza ground scenery then i remember - i should rather gaze at the giza sky environment -- i figured my brain was satisfied with the skies this time and point of attention was thus point downwards....hmmm...
  6. B61 is full of Oxygen - Simply Breath-talking! the sunset last snapshot - is SO-REAL! cloud formations are well blended - very misty.
  7. xplane 11.x xenviro 1.x + --------------------------- xplane 12.x Simple Arithmetic!
  8. Frankly --- ever since FSX --- all the flight sim community has lagged and yearned for years to have the experience and immersion that only and only XE is now bringing to table. Thanks to its creative team who really hit the nail and made this lively soaring immersion possible. we need more ..... more .... keep up the good work. you have opened an iris for the dome of expectation. The beauty of voxel-based rendering is that it opens rooms for infinite mathematical combinations to show up - as opposed to sprite based renditions.
  9. B60 screenshots - feels cold up there - where is my parachute !!!!
  10. This rough effect above the clouds layer is just fantastic
  11. We are really looking forward to see what B58 is holding for us.... Have a good night. The real photo (non-simulated) captures a lot of effects .. which we hope XE will provide towards release - or subsequent post release updates - as we know nature is always ahead of us. we are happy with where this platform is heading....
  12. i have a feeling that overtime, as the product matures, by virtue of the voxel based approach to render the clouds; you could propably tap in nvidia physx accelaration to deform the clouds as the airplane cuts through them... Infact today i was shocked to find that over the last few years only few titles only have actually utilized the GPU acceleration for physics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_with_hardware-accelerated_PhysX_support some critical questions in my mind as follows: what are the components in the weather system that can make use and tap that physx engine ? - Cloud deformation by winds for example !!! nvidia has made Physx open-source recently - and clearly Nvidia Hardware have advantage to accelerate that - and it can fall back to CPU for those who dont have NVIDIA... i know that x-plane itself at its core is not tapping that area either --- (actually we dont want them to model airplane crash either like in arcade battle games ) - but rather i mean in terms of simulating the flight model physx - which is pure physics in any way..... overall, i feel this is an area with potential to increase performance and needs some rethinking maybe to better utlise that and squeeze more frames per seconds out of better balanced utilization of hardware acceleration. key Areas which might benefit include (as far this is a weather depiction addon-system is concerned in contract to the scope of core-xplane)::: cloud deformation to winds cloud deformation due to airplane fly-through live tornado cloud formation voxel based rain drops hitting fuselage voxel based rain drops hitting the windscreen and calculating vectors of water drop movement as it decays based on wind direction and glass shape approximations (for efficiency and speed) voxel based rain drops hitting the runway with subtle splash effect. simulate runway mirage effect..based on heat weather readings (maybe) actually all kinds of movement physics can be applied to one single voxel --- and around that basis - all opportunities are limitless. Thanks for the screenshots and updates.
  13. Frankly - This view - dwarfs all other weather depiction systems currently available in the market. It just feels you are there --- REALLY SOARING HIGH INSIDE HEAVY METAL >>> THE ONGOING TUNING FOR THE ENGINE IS GRADUALLY SHOWING UP -- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKS AND THANKS FOR THIS AWESOMENESS.
  14. Sooner or later XE will look something like this Photo.... This new Engine is destined for surprising us .... as far as hardware acceleration can go...
  15. Ahoy Captain Magnus SHEER MAGNIFICENCE ! X-PLANE LIVE - LIKE NEVER SEEN BEFORE -- WOW !!!! my comments this is never seen before effect - only possible with true volumetric voxel-noise-based technology - whereby the wing is fading in the myst of clouds t this cloud formation and overall color tuning is very realistic and never seen before as well the horizon blending is as natural as it can be -- overcoming all the issues of old-technology depictions -- -a well deserved overall color tuning.
  16. i am building a habit of revisiting this web-page every day to see the latest screenshots. funny that xe.com mistakenly got cached somehow and showing up whenever i search for this page -- i really forgot all about "Bookmarking" can you publish Dawn/Dusk/Twilight views for a sneak peak view - yes am sure any snapshot is presented as WIP.
  17. I have to admit, you keep surprising us now and then with setting an ever better record. my comment on last screenshots - the fine-tuning despite being less noticeable - but truly they add an impact snapshot 1 -- like a photo camera snapshot 4 -- never before clouds looks so real in all other weather systems across platforms after having the sun-set at twilight light levels from above the clouds snapshot 6 -- marvelous overall tones - but spotted a clear line separating the clouds at the right edge. snapshot 7 -- very classy environment color toning showing both on 3d-building and airplane -- but am not sure if the land-mass is lacking the reddish gold cast - (maybe it shouldn't depending on PBR materials and light diffusion physics ) Keep up the good works
  18. This beautiful cloud formation cannot be complete unless the waters below gives it the due respect. see https://youtu.be/MtGsltlAdVI?t=1948 (at minute 32 onwards they have shown of what to come)
  19. Wohaaa, what a scenic surprise .... Now this is Alice in the Wonderland .... other weather systems should seriously look over this with envy ... they might have to marathon for a couple of development years to chase after this... i would really think as a father, that the best thing i would give my kids is an xplane+xenviro rig, coupled with a: 210 degree horizontal FOV, 130 degree vertical FOV Natural peripheral vision in VR for truly immersive experiences (https://www.starvr.com/products/) ... or.... a 180 degrees projected-view on top of a 6dof motion platform (https://youtu.be/NAVOKwebrs8) i cannot imagine the value of these technologies separated from each other - this is a perfect blend. having looked closer at the screen shots -- you only need a realtime AI de-noiser post processing filter that affects only the clouds layers - rather than trying to smooth the clouds further - i presume. overall frankly ... could not imagine to see such nice views in a flight sim ever ... this means our senses are intoxicated by the falsies of the past.
  20. Now this looks like an exponential improvement all together. Guys - you are writing history - never before this has been seen in the sim world. the cloud formations seem to be the mastered-fun-game for the dev team - these are good time for fruits of creativity and insightful product design paradigm and visionary planning. i believe this is just the beginning and you are faithfully extending the edge of the threshold. the value of your work stems from many aspects to mention few: you aim the skies - in the literal sense you replicate nature - fulfilling the visual-physical senses you simulate environment - sharpening the skills of current and future pilots and paving more way for safer and happy flights. you make it with passion that is showing up by now you are securing lead and superiority that should not be denied having came that far with this whole re-write of 1.10 you share the results as they evolve - which i hail and prefer over black-box back-stage development approach - so that we really appreciate the layers of refinements and complexity of the product putting all peaces together. you spark the imagination of new kids in the sim world -- this for me above all (rather than they spend time on value-less bloody games) .... ...
  21. Thanks for the update - we 'community' are more than happy to hear that. on the same lane, the LM dev team are focused on migration to Vulkan API as much as possible on AS-IS basis - to make product stand on it feet (sit in the plane), the next subsequent releases are going to be performance and multi-cpu/gpu optimization ... so we are very eager to see how the marriage of x-plane and xenviro are going to surprise us towards maybe q2~q4 2019 -- a whole new era for simmers with solid graphics and exceptional performance and quality....fusion... On different note - well exnviro support the sunset effect as in this video - whereby the sun at horizon lights the clouds from below as per viewers perspective. The reason i brought my wish for having Vulkan and Multi-GPU is because i know the dev team is fully capable to bring to life all these realistic-touches - and let the dreams of simmers soar higher ... but are bound with the commitment to make the product running as smooth on the average consumer hardware. (we know some trade offs will be required) Keep amazing us at the threshold ...
  22. Read the Developer's latest Blog Post https://developer.x-plane.com/2019/03/vulkan-and-metal-a-quick-status-update/ VULKAN is opening the door for multi-CPU/GPU .. it will be mainstream reality soon. so we hope that ADDONS like Xenviro - is pre-planned (once VULKANISED) to make the bre-built core optimizations to harness that technology to the fullest -- it is all about code optimization.
  23. lovely and lively please ensure the product scales well with multi-GPU before release. earlier releases - the clouds where looking like cotton... but now we can really see the effort put on cloud definition starting to show up
  24. Just WOW -- especially the last two pictures
  25. With the Noise based cloud rendering technology, it has quickly developed over the last few months from a PROOF of CONCEPT -- into an already PROVEN CONCEPT before it even gets released. what I aspire to see is the team at xenviro continue to workout the real cloud classifications -- and beyond that to do a real 3d storm/tornado and lastly, i put my wish that xenvrio reproduces nature-like storms (as per below sample video) (maybe in 1.11) i know they can do that - as the platform has what it take to tap into the yet-to-be-proven edge of that new foundation technology. last not least, thanks for the love and passion made by the development team to make this peace of art handy. Keep up the good work.
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