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v2.0.0 couple of questions


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First of all thanks for the update and have couple of question

1: I was under the impression that V2 will work with LM global jetways - or will this be implemented at later stage?

2: was the any changes made to template of type 02 glass jetways 4.5?


Edited by Malenki22
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23 minutes ago, Malenki22 said:

1: I was under the impression that V2 will work with LM global jetways - or will this be implemented at later stage?

No, it was clearly communicated that it will be an extra extension to the free SAM plugin.

23 minutes ago, Malenki22 said:

2: was the any changes made to template of type 02 glass jetways 4.5?

Might have happend in case there was an error in it. Do you experience anything unusual with it?

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25 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

No, it was clearly communicated that it will be an extra extension to the free SAM plugin.

Might have happend in case there was an error in it. Do you experience anything unusual with it?

I need to apologize, after reading announcement again I miss read about the jetways, now I'm armed with all the information I can see is done via extension for a small fee.

As for the glass type 02 4.5 I have use them in one of my scenery edit and notice once replaced sam plugin and sam_library with v2 some of the jetways have different parameters for the min and max in template or at least appears like that as I had to correct them, but I'm 100% sure I didn't have this problem.


Also noticed that in new WED version which offer preview of objects all previous version of sam_library are visible but when you click on the new docking or high marshaler preview don't work.

Sam prev2.jpg

WED prev1.jpg

Edited by Malenki22
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On 11/20/2019 at 9:28 PM, Malenki22 said:

As for the glass type 02 4.5 I have use them in one of my scenery edit and notice once replaced sam plugin and sam_library with v2 some of the jetways have different parameters for the min and max in template or at least appears like that as I had to correct them, but I'm 100% sure I didn't have this problem.

Yes for some jetways the min and max values didn't perfectly fit but you don't have to update them. It's your choice.

On 11/20/2019 at 9:28 PM, Malenki22 said:

Also noticed that in new WED version which offer preview of objects all previous version of sam_library are visible but when you click on the new docking or high marshaler preview don't work.

It's a known limitation of the current WED version. The problem has already been solved and will be working in the next WED version.

Edited by Marten@Stairport
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