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739 NG crashes xplane when starting flight


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First of all, very excited to see this project released!

Seems i'm having an issue with loading the 739NG, as soon as it loads at the gate, it freezes X-Plane, the only way out is to end the process.

The 739ER is loading a-ok.

I have the latest Zibo update: 3.51.11

I couldn't see any release notes with the download, any ideas on what might be causing the issue?




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3 hours ago, pbot said:

First of all, very excited to see this project released!

Seems i'm having an issue with loading the 739NG, as soon as it loads at the gate, it freezes X-Plane, the only way out is to end the process.

The 739ER is loading a-ok.

I have the latest Zibo update: 3.51.11

I couldn't see any release notes with the download, any ideas on what might be causing the issue?




Same here


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It seems after I flew the 739ER, then loaded a new flight with the NG, it seemed to load a-ok that time. Didn’t change anything, I’ll take it, but will report if I have any further issues loading it. 

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I had two different issues first was after landing the 736 and went for the replay the scenery disappeared only mesh then froze and CTD. Then loaded the 739 and in mid flight I got a pop up message with some king of error with Vulcan and the sim closed. dind`t bother to try another plane.  

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1 minute ago, Alex5150 said:

I had two different issues first was after landing the 736 and went for the replay the scenery disappeared only mesh then froze and CTD. Then loaded the 739 and in mid flight I got a pop up message with some king of error with Vulcan and the sim closed. dind`t bother to try another plane.  

The Vulcan error is pretty common with XPlane ATM, def not a Threshold issue. 

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To anyone who has a problem could you please follow these instructions:

1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder.

2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe

3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card.

4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder

5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files

6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus

Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt

Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.

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Well I don’t have it installed in the Laminar folder , my drivers are up to date , no xLua , C++ installed and I just flew the B737-700U , FF A320 and IXEG 737 with no problems . As soon as I load LevelUp 737 it crashes . Hope someone figures it out . I was looking forward to trying it out . 

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Please provide a Log.txt file as requested, for the support to be able to help and troubleshoot these issues

22 hours ago, pbot said:

I couldn't see anything that stood out, but i'll go back for another look.


19 hours ago, RyanDelta said:

Same here



19 hours ago, Alex5150 said:

I had two different issues first was after landing the 736 and went for the replay the scenery disappeared only mesh then froze and CTD. Then loaded the 739 and in mid flight I got a pop up message with some king of error with Vulcan and the sim closed. dind`t bother to try another plane.  


3 hours ago, AlessandroCuba said:

Me too in Linux, remove all LUA and nothing



59 minutes ago, XPJavelin said:

Same here, the log file ends with some "jensen" mention. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


20 minutes ago, Loiza Air said:

Well I don’t have it installed in the Laminar folder , my drivers are up to date , no xLua , C++ installed and I just flew the B737-700U , FF A320 and IXEG 737 with no problems . As soon as I load LevelUp 737 it crashes . Hope someone figures it out . I was looking forward to trying it out . 


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X-System folder:'/Ubuntu/X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=1
0:02:42.719 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: "::pthread_mutex_destroy" OS error
0:02:42.719 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: err=16.000000
0:02:42.719 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: /jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../core/thread/UTL_thread.cpp:302



Edited by XPJavelin
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Removig the plugin folder "zibomod" solves the crash (of coursse the ACFT is inoperative).

When I try to copy the zibomod folder from my original Zibo 738 installation into the levelup, the same logfile is produced.


Running the Zibo738X; no problem and XP11 reports as well :

Zibomod plugin running.
Zibomod plugin: Reading navigation data...
Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >/opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Custom Data/earth_nav.dat<
Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >/opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Custom Data/earth_fix.dat<
Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >/opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Airliners/B737-800X/B738X_apt.dat<
Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >/opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Airliners/B737-800X/B738X_rnw.dat<
Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >/opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Airliners/B737-800X/B738X_gate.dat<
Loaded: /opt/X-Plane/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Airliners/B737-800X/plugins/zibomod/lin_x64/zibomod.xpl (zibomod.by.Zibo).


Now if I remove the xlua folder but keep the zibomod folder, crashes is solved (but ACFT inoperative of course).


My conclusion is the interaction with the plugin Zibomod and your architecture is where is located the problem.


I remove all xlua script folders and putting them one by one again



so far so good


and then 

0:19:20.166 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: "::pthread_mutex_destroy" OS error
0:19:20.166 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: err=16.000000
0:19:20.166 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: /jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../core/thread/UTL_thread.cpp:302

happended when I added the folder


Edited by XPJavelin
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42 minutes ago, XPJavelin said:

When I try to copy the zibomod folder from my original Zibo 738 installation into the levelup, the same logfile is produced.

Both zibomod plugins are not compatible and interchangeable

I would rather interested in GPU usage and install, perhaps to update Nvidia driver if able :

0:02:33.584 E/GFX/VK: Memory heap 2 has overstepped its budget!
0:02:33.584 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 140181504, heap budget is 117768192
0:02:33.584 E/GFX/VK: Sitting at 80 deletions, the defragmenter is NOT running!
0:02:40.064 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 2
0:02:42.580 E/GFX/VK: Notifying user that heap 2 has overstepped its budget
0:02:42.580 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 140181504, heap budget is 117768192


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I appreciate your help and effort here to support me and people on the forum.

I'd like to emphasize that I did spend some time to help you narrow down where a potential problem layed, and narrowed it to this script.

The same xlua and zibomod plugins work together well in conjunction in the Zibo738X not in the LevelUp.

From that point, I'd expect the LevelUp Team to review their code, I mean, on their side, which would seem a better search&resolution pattern given the information already gathered for you.

Maybe it's a detail, a file with an incorrect case, as Linux is case sensitive. But I'll let to other the dig into the xlua script.

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15 minutes ago, XPJavelin said:

I appreciate your help and effort here to support me and people on the forum.

I'd like to emphasize that I did spend some time to help you narrow down where a potential problem layed, and narrowed it to this script.

The same xlua and zibomod plugins work together well in conjunction in the Zibo738X not in the LevelUp.

From that point, I'd expect the LevelUp Team to review their code, I mean, on their side, which would seem a better search&resolution pattern given the information already gathered for you.

Maybe it's a detail, a file with an incorrect case, as Linux is case sensitive. But I'll let to other the dig into the xlua script.

Just missed a thing : could you try to rename "B738.anav.lu" to "B738.anav.lua" ?

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