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Level Up 737-8 Screens turn black after 2:30h in flight?


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I was flying a medium hall flight from London to Greece and after around 2:30h all my screens turned black and the autopilot panel also didn't display any information. The weird part was that everything was still working, the AP stayed engaged, aircraft could fly on heading mode etc.. I had engine power, and the APU started normally. What really confused me was that the EFB also turned off. When loading back in cold and dark everything was back to normal. I am really puzzled on why this may be...?

Here is an image from the situation: https://imgur.com/a/bRNw4r9


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No, I was outside looking at Ortho and when I switched back to the cockpit it was just like In the screenshot. I tested and tried another flight which took over 3h airtime with a different livery and that worked fine. I'm new to X-Plane do liveries have an effect on this?


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4 hours ago, IchBinsFlo said:

No, I was outside looking at Ortho and when I switched back to the cockpit it was just like In the screenshot. I tested and tried another flight which took over 3h airtime with a different livery and that worked fine. I'm new to X-Plane do liveries have an effect on this?

Did you filled tanks with enough fuel ? Go to EFB Payload, don't use X-Plane menu to request fuel

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You might have a button bound to something that's doing this.  Anecdotally, I had a similar issue a long time ago.  I was using WASD in external view to pan around in the A320 Ultimate and as soon as I touched the keyboard, the plane's autopilot would disengage and then it would go into a steep bank. 

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If you have Vulkan enabled (checkbox on the Graphics page in X-Plane settings. it might have been a GPU memory allocation issue. Check the Log file if you still have it or even the event viewer in case it suggests any warnings related to the GPU or its drivers.

Another thought, do you have 'X-Europe' or 'Enhanced skyscapes' installed? they take extra oomph out of the GPU; and so cards with minimal VRAM can run into issues on long flights. Oh & the Alps is a bit more hungry than other places if you have ortho due to complex mesh there.

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