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Visibility/Fog Display issue in OpenGL when running Skyscapes (Bug ?) (Partially Solved)


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Hi @BiologicalNanobot and anybody who is experiencing display issues when running in OpenGL.
I have been posting regards display issues, lines showing up on display when running XP in OpenGL, in the Tech Support on the Org Forum. However as this is the Skyscapes support location, I will post my observations here and link to it in the Org Forum.

I and others have found  lines and artifacts on scenery (tree edges etc) when running Skyscapes in XP OpenGL mode.
After trial and error and comparing results I believe this is linked to the visibility/fog settings and how Skyscapes deals with those. Not something I believe we as users can adjust via the presets config file.

In short when there is a level of fog/haze Skyscapes tries to depict/show this. but fails to do so in OpenGL causing the lines. In Vulkan mode the Fog/Haze is clearly visible, in fact a 10Nm distance view causes rather hazy view conditions. (too much I feel)

Below are 6 screenshots with settings and conditions noted on each image. Noteworthy is that when the visibility is manually pushed out too 100Nm while inn OpenGL mode, the problem disappears. So it must be that which causes the issue.

So if this 'bug' can be fixed and maybe also a Fog Intensity control can be added to the 'presets' controls that would be excellent.


Edit/Update: With the help from @marc15 on the X-Plane.Org Forum it has been found that the lines graphic display issue was caused by the latest nVidea driver v 516.40.
                      A rolling back to previous ver 512.95 appears to fix the lines issue.
                     It would still be nice to get some control over the intensity with which ES depicts Fog. For example when real weather delivers reduced visibility to say 10km the view is filled with Fog/Low Cloud Haze by ES. Without ES the visibility is more correct at 10km but of course no 3D clouds.


Edited by TinkerNZ
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  • TinkerNZ changed the title to Visibility/Fog Display issue in OpenGL when running Skyscapes (Bug ?) (Partially Solved)

Update for all who are following the in OpenGL performance of Skyscapes. I downloaded the latest nVidea driver 516.59 (release date 26/6) and this appears to have fixed the issues encountered with driver v516.40.
In fact, I can not see any lines or artifacts at all anymore and the haze density also seems to have improved and is very much more realistic. A flight just completed over Canterbury, NZ with low overcast conditions, visibility below 10km looked very realistic (compared with actual as seen out my window at home). And even better my FPS despite running XP in OpenGL was still in the 50s. Excellent outcome.


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