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1.20 Release

Captain Kitten

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xEnviro 1.20 Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of xEnviro 1.20, following an extensive development process to ensure compatibility with X-Plane 12.


Please note that xEnviro 1.20 is not supported on X-Plane 11. Consequently, version 1.18 will be the final release for X-Plane 11 users. Our development team, who work on this project during their free time, can accommodate two separate development paths. Namely X-Plane 12 and MSFS. The latter will get some attention after we have observed the release of 1.20 for a while. The 1.20 version is a streamlined adaptation of 1.18, serving as a foundation for ongoing development on the X-Plane 12 platform.
In this release, certain features such as xE sounds, Waves control, and seasonal changes will rely on native X-Plane functionalities, including snow for winter landscapes. We may revisit and refine these features and / or implement our own in the future. Our current focus is on enhancing core features and ensuring stability for xEnviro within the X-Plane 12 ecosystem.


(x-Plane native vs xEnviro- same conditions)


As a token of appreciation to our loyal customers, we are offering the xEnviro 1.20 release free of charge for all existing xEnviro for X-Plane users. We will maintain this commitment throughout the entire 1.xx series, as previously promised. Given that version 1.20 is a scaled-down variant of 1.18 for X-Plane 11, the 1.xx series will continue for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we can confidently guarantee that all updates within 2023 and likely most of 2024 will be free. A transition to a 2.0 version would necessitate a substantial upgrade from the current capabilities of version 1.18.


Performance-wise, xEnviro 1.20 is expected to outperform version 1.18, thanks to the efficiency of Vulkan. Users should experience no more than a 10% reduction in frame rates compared to X-Plane default at high settings. Dynamic sliders will be available, and performance on high will vary the most. Ultra settings may vary vastly depending on individual systems and will most likely kneel your GPU, use with caution. The minimum required graphics card for xEnviro 1.20 is a 1050ti with 4GB of RAM, but we highly recommend using a 2070 or higher for optimal performance.

Get xEnviro for X-Plane 12 here





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There are several registered instances where METAR populates with three airports starting with DGAA and conditions are CAVOK - no clouds are rendered. This issue is being looked in to. 

-  X-Plane 12 beta is NOT supported
- only one copy of xE1.20 on any system possible 
- If you're on AMD GFX card: Disable Zink
- OBS might not work (to be tested)
- Use 2x AA if you're on a mid tier PC

Try this for anyone that has trouble: 
1: Re-download the xEnviro files ⁠from store or where you downloaded from last time.

2: Uninstall xEnviro

3: Install from new file 
(same name so delete old installer) 
!remember to run installer as admin !

4: Go to your registry at this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\Vulkan\ImplicitLayers
If you have a "Test" entry with a pointer to xenviro folder - delete it.
If you have more than one entry that has a path to the xEnviro folder, delete both. (There should only be one and it should not be called test)

5:  Run reglayer.exe in the layer folder and try again.
 ...\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins\xEnviro\layer\ 

Again, all issues are being looked in to and we will have a hotfix as soon as possible. If you have trouble after trying the above, please contact support at xenviro.net/support

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1.21 is released

This release is mainly a hotfix. Features will be added back soon.

-  X-Plane 12 beta is NOT supported 
- only one copy of xE1.20 on any system possible       
       (1.18 on X-Plane 11 is fine alongside 1 copy of 1.20) 
- Live weather in X-Plane needs to be turned off.        
        Use custom clear weather.  
If you experience device loss error try to update your GFX card drivers, turn off Windows Graphics Hardware Acceleration and Windows Gaming mode.

### [1.21]

### Added

- Layer integrity check at xEnviro startup.

- Layer registration in the Windows registry.

- Message window for general messages and warnings.

- Warning message when X-Plane weather is set to Download Real Weather.


### Changed

- Zink library compatibility improvement.

- Revised clouds depth math.

- Revised ray masking math.

- Turbulence model adjusted to represent local flow disturbances better.


### Removed

- None.

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1.22 released

Another "hotfix" for issues regarding turbulence and wind.

### [1.22]
### Added
- Warning message for unsupported X-Plane version.
- Control water waves.

### Changed
- Weather and atmosphere data update procedures.
- Turbulence factors reduced to better suit X-Plane new flight model.

### Removed
- None.

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