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ESPA - Luleå Airport - Sweden


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Now that ESKS Scandinavian Mountains Airport is getting close to release, I've once again picked up this project. I've decided during that time that this will become a payware product, As I just need some sort of "reward" for completeing this airport. 

So in a couple of weeks once everything with ESKS is done and dusted, work on this will ramp up to 100% and you'll get a ton more images and videos. 


Hello again!

Following the release of ESUT Hemavan Tärnaby Airport, I have now decided to resume a much older project (ESUT was a side project from this) And that airport is my home airport and home to the longest runway in Sweden!

The airport I am talking about is Luleå "Kallax" Airport. The airport sees 16 daily flights as well as some charter flights to Thailand and Spain during the winter. 

The airport is also home to one of the largest airforce bases in Sweden (Norrbottens flygflottilj F21), This area of the airport is highly protected and there is no way I will be able to make custom buildings for that area of the airport, As that would probably get me into serious problems with the Swedish Security Service.

As for the pricing of this airport, I am not sure If this will be a freeware airport or if it will not be. But I still have a couple of months left in development so there will be a lot of time to decide. 

The airport will feature:

  • High-quality buildings
  • Accurate layout. 
  • custom ground textures.
  • PBR- materials for most objects, 
  • Dynamic lighting 

And probably more.

If you have any questions regarding this scenery please comment below.

Here are some images showing some old versions of the developer build.

EVERYTHING in these images are subject to change!

I know I can't have ortho images in a scenery: those will be replaced with handpainted ground textures later. 







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Some testing done today!

Here is a video showing the planned SAM jetways in action. 

Like I have stated earlier everything in these progress updates are WIP images and everything is subject to change. 

(EDIT: If anyone would be interested in the static and more detailed gates instead of these gates I will probably make another version featuring those, They won't be included in the final release as they are way too detailed and use up a lot of VRAM when in use.)

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Looking good! Looks like brand new asphalt, could maybe use some more tear and wear.
Will you make the edges between asphalt and grass round?
And also less of a sharp difference between grass and asphalt?

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2 hours ago, Janis said:

Looking good! Looks like brand new asphalt, could maybe use some more tear and wear.
Will you make the edges between asphalt and grass round?
And also less of a sharp difference between grass and asphalt?

I will add more wear and tear later, these images are really WIP. The scenery will have ground textures similar to my ESUT scenery, as I am going to reuse a lot of textures. 

Also, these images are only of the asphalt textures themselves, I will add a lot of wear and grunge textures.  

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10 hours ago, DragoB said:

Ser superbra ut, fortsätt så 😊

Tack 😁

There hasn't been a lot of development recently, As I have been occupied with updates for an other scenery, some smaller testing projects, As well as starting another bit larger scenery project (TBA). 

As for development in the near future, I will keep on working on this and other projects almost daily. I do now have my summer break so that might speed things up. However in a week, I will start my summer job that will keep me occupied for three weeks, Development might halt completely during this time.

In the time since the last update, this is really the only difference on Luleå Airport, more markings around the jetways on apron 9.

And a shoulder line to replace the old .pol solution. 





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The time has come! 
Now that Scandinavian Mountains is released and doing well, I've decided to finally get back to this old thing. And starting strong, all of the previous building models are scrapped and work on remodeling them to fit with today's standards are underway. I hope you're all just as excited as I am and I look forward to seeing your reactions to the new models.

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