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Everything posted by BiologicalNanobot

  1. Hi, it is perfectly fine! It is mentioned on the store that it is not VR compatible, so you probably missed that notice as well. Just contact Threshold Store through the chat bubble, you should be able to get a refund.
  2. I am still working on visibility, it looks like my main mistake was how visibility was depicted based on full distance instead of horizontal.
  3. Hi, I think you downloaded the wrong runtime (there are two, one is for console applications and the other one is for desktop applications), I'd recommend downloading it from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-5.0.10-windows-x64-installer
  4. Hi, it is very likely that you chose the wrong version. Could you try the one from this link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-5.0.10-windows-x64-installer
  5. Hi, night sky is visible. I believe clouds are covering sky visibility, or there might be another issue. Could you try with the clear preset and check if you see the sky?
  6. Thank you, sadly haze is pre-computed for performance considerations so it is hard to adjust. I will do my best though.
  7. Hi, I am unable to create a Mac version myself, as Mac OS requires a different OpenGL context to be created, which I really don't know how to. It also requires a different development environment, which again I don't have any experience with. I really hope someone picks the source code up on GitHub and compiles it for Mac OS one day.
  8. Could you also report your X-Plane versions? Are you using 11.50 or 11.51 RC1?
  9. Could you report your graphics card too? It looks like xEnviro 1.15 has an issue with Ti graphics cards.
    Sky colors and details on clouds all look beautiful, with not much of an FPS impact.
  10. It looks so damn nice, congratulations! Also, a quick reminder for people: ReShade completely breaks xEnviro 1.14 - For those who's getting like 10 FPS - uninstall ReShade completely by removing the opengl32.dll in main X-Plane directory.
  11. My bad, I forgot to upload the VR fix to the Threshold forum.
  12. So happy that you've managed to solve all of the tearing issues you mentioned, and now approaching a beta. The previews look astonishing.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    FAQ: OwO... What's this? A fictional livery for the ZibOwO 737-800. How do I install? Just extract the "BOwOeing 737" folder inside the zip to the liveries folder of ZibOwO 737-800. For god's sake why did you make this? I was so bored...
  14. I'm still trying to find the cause of clouds disappearing issue on Vulkan, I was suspecting depth buffer is the culprit, but I'm no longer sure about that.
  15. Version Beta 2020.11.24


    Hello, I have been working on a volumetric cloud replacement for X-Plane 11 since last two-three months, and finally managed to get visually appealing results. The plugin is not a weather engine, and it only replaces default X-Plane 11 clouds with volumetric ones, therefore it should be compatible with weather injection plugins like Active Sky XP. Currently it supports X-Plane 11.50+ and 2 major operating systems - Windows and Linux. It is an open source freeware, and finally in beta phase! The package includes both Enhanced Cloudscapes Controller and FSEnhancer's sky colors. I'm really thankful to enricodelbono for allowing FSEnhancer's art assets and RandomUser for Enhanced Cloudscapes Controller to be included with the release package. You can check out the club page for feedback and support: If you want to support the project and my EEG research, please consider donating: https://www.patreon.com/EnhancedCloudscapes
  16. Hello, I will be posting various development updates about the upcoming alpha and future versions here.
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