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Modifiying objects and sharing in scenery package


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Hi @Marten@Stairport,

Is it allowed to modify (textures of) jetways/marshallers and share them as separate objects in the scenery package - of course mentioning that they are originally SAM objects? 

Currently we have a working copy of our LTFM scenery with modified SAM jetways but my colleague decided to re-do all our custom 3D objects with Blender rather than using the current ones he had created with Sketchup (he is almost finished by the way) so we postponed the update a little bit more. Recently he asked me if we can modify your marshaller and so I decided to write and ask for your permission. The scenery is obviously going to be a freeware one as v1.0 which had Autogate by Marginal.

Also, poles of DGS' are not visible unless you come very close to the object. Can this be corrected?

And finally, when can we expect v2 of SAM?


PS. Let me know if you want to get a copy of WIP LTFM v2 package.

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