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Cloud optimization suggestions?


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Hi all.  Huge XE fan, it really changes the sim experience and has been amazing.  On 3440 x 1440 wide screen, using XE and an FPS maximizer like 3jFPS-wizard or FlyAgi I generally have my FPS ranging from, say, 24-35, which is certainly playable.  This is everywhere except when I'm right below or right above the clouds, when FPS dips into the high teens during that transition phase.  I'll be about 25 or 26 in the clouds, but immediately above and below things slow down.  

Any suggestions for what I should be doing in settings in XE or anywhere else to aid in FPS during that phase?  Or just wait for 1.14 🙂?  Same thing, BTW, in looking into the distance.  The horizon being in the frame drops FPS by 5 or so.  If I move the view to cut out the horizon, things jump up.  Thanks!

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Just a radical suggestion - guaranteed to boost speed - and works for CPU/GPU overclocking and good water cooler units - 

three options

  1. Aquarium fish tank chiller for water temperature control adjust Hailea HC Series Chiller HC-150A
  2. Aquarium fish tank chiller for water temperature control adjust Hailea HC Series Chiller HC-300A
  3. Aquarium fish tank chiller for water temperature control adjust Hailea HC Series Chiller HC-500A <<< More Powerful ... there are ever more powerful models - need to do some googling .... https://www.amazon.ae/Aquatic-product-aquarium-chiller-temperature/dp/B07V3NMHWH/ref=sr_1_18?keywords=water+chiller&qid=1585157193&sr=8-18




Edited by Bakr
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This is a short guide for the Geeks out there

  1. Get yourself a Digital Humidity Sensor or a Hygrometer - such as:

    Keep in Mind, as a reference frame of planning that Humans can be comfortable within a wide range of humidities depending on the temperature—from 30–70%—but ideally between 50% and 60% (Read more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_humidity)

    Also, if you have kids, usually parents use some sort of Humidifier for babies, (very important for good sleep and to prevent flu) ... there is a relationship between dry skin and dry lips and dry throught with viral infections such as Flu, and even Corona ... therefore, as a reminder ... do use a room humidifier, this will be a favor for your kids and yourself...
    (reference - you may relate the the commend of Dr Mike Video below - subject: Doctor VS Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories  )
  2.  Once you setup your water chiller cooling system, (preferably in living room or work room - not in bedroom !!)
    You need to have your Digital Humidity Sensor or a Hygrometer reading (in that work environment) and relate to the table below to match it with the workable target cooling temperature of the water chiller ..

    Example: Assuming you have Humidity Control in your Room set for 35% ... then you need not configure the Water Chiller below  say 15 °C in order to avoid water dew forming on the pipes and dripping on the motherboard (and thus damaging or short-circuiting your pc).


Do Not Be Tempted to do extreme low Humidity Control with aim to reach deeper cold levels near zero (minimum 4 °C  - as far as the water chiller allows) with aim of having headroom for better overclocking !!!

If you are having Humidity below 30% - this will cause dry skin - and dry cracked skin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeroderma)
Dry Skin exposes self to Viral Infection ... including Corona ...

This is what the doctors say about that ... and how it relates to the matter..

Ensure a healthy Multi Vitamin intake,

Enjoy the Flight Simulator Best Moments..


Edited by Bakr
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