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SAM Base Plugin 2.17 CTD & Error LOG.txt


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

The funny thing is, that it is EXACTLY the same version codewise just with an extended debug dump 😄

Actually not funny having me test a basically identical version.!

Nevertheless the CTDs were real and now they are gone (until today)

NOTHING has been changed on my setup. 

We'll se how version .8 will perform.....



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just crashed upon final into LOWW, have sent files to the aforementioned email address.

Actually very frustrating to have this - yet again after another SAM caused ctd two days ago - frequently happening.

Fyi, have 1. airport vehicles, 2. follow me and 3. WorldJetways installed. Am going to disable ## 1 and 2 for now, maybe that will help (by moving my current SAM folder to a separate "plugins (disabled)" folder and then reinstalling SAM via Orbx Central).


Edited by cmaesing
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13 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

You better install 2.1.8 😉

Orbx Central only - as of yesterday at least - installs 2.1.7.

How can I get 2.1.8 (assuming that resolves my ctd)?

EDIT: Have downloaded SAM2 Suite from https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/59782-scenery-animation-manager-suite/ - and this installer indeed returns 2.1.8. Let me re-install now the airport vehicles and the follow me car, and see if I run into any further issues with SAM.


Edited by cmaesing
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Ok, I just had exactly the same ctd under 2.1.8 (completely new install earlier today) that I had the other day under 2.1.7: On final (this time LFMN), XP 11.50 crashed on me. Again rather annoying, as this was after a longer flight.

Am for now disabling anything but the freeware jetways out of my entire SAM package. Am sending across via email my two files, but not sure they'll tell you anything else than what my previous ones from yesterday already told you.

Thanks again - and good luck!

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