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How does jetway range work?


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Hello. I'm still relatively new user and I've just been updating a default airport in WED by replacing old-style jetway objects with the newer facades.

I have  a registered copy of World Jetways but I'm finding that my newly added jetways are often showing as 'out of range' (ie. Grey icon) even when they are realistically placed (according to charts/satellite imagery.  This is particularly the case where one jetway serves two alternative parking spots (e.g. one for Cat C aircraft and another at an offset angle for Cat D/E).

Is there any information about how the range works, or anything I need to understand about how to choose the sections of the XP11 jetway facades (there are options for different types of tunnel, for example) so that they can extend to all relevant parking spots?


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If you use the jetway templates to set them up you can check out Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library\sam.xml. The <jetwayDescriptions> section contains all templates where maxExtent= is the extension range in meter.

If it's still too short you can manually increase the distance in the description tab in authoring tool for each jetway but be aware that it might lead to glitches in the visual appearance.


You may also read through this.

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