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Carenado DO228 SimVRlabs Mod


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Out of the VR Lab: Carenado DO228 HD

This update tweaks nearly everything to work better in VR.   I worked very hard to make things just act and "feel" as right as they can.  Also, we give you teleport hotspots at the ailerons, elevator, and rudder and make them moveable with VR controllers, so you can do your walkaround checks.  Look for the hotspots up in the air around the aircraft parts.


Manipulators that have been tweaked to work in VR are:

-All Autopilot buttons working
-Prop levers
-Haptic feedback detents everywhere you'd expect them
-Radar Altitude knob
-Trim wheels and knobs
-Arm Rests
-Lighting and Temperature knobs
-CRS 1 OBS dial
-HDG dial
-CRS 2 OBS dial
-Pitch Trim wheel manipulators added
-Altimeter baro pressure knobs
-Altitude Selector knob
-Parking Brake orientation corrected and tuned
-Overhead rudder knob
-Instrument brightness knobs
-VR Yoke added and tuned

Edited by Joe_K
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On 2/12/2019 at 1:02 PM, minitobo said:

With this mod the RealityXP GTN750 integration does not work. Am i doing something wrong or is there a solution?

Yep..I think maybe because the VR improvements might have been made to the initial release of the Do228? I think the Do228 is now at version 1.2 (did that add the switch for the GTN compatibility?) - anyway..I have the same problem. The VR improvements are awesome with the working rotary knobs and stuff, but if I hit the switch on the pedestal to switch to the GTN 750 - the 3D model changes to the GTN, but there is no power to the avionics or GTN.

I would love to see the VR mod updated to support the 1.2 version of the aircraft - any chance of that?




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