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Carenado B1900D HD SimVRlabs Mod


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Out of the VR Lab: Carenado B1900D HD

Now featuring a fully working Autopilot for VR touch controllers, working yoke, and many other custom hand-tuned manipulators optimized to work with VR touch controllers.  No more axis lines on the throttle and condition levers and those armrests. I worked very hard to make things just act and "feel" as right as they can.


Manipulators that have been tweaked to work in VR are:

-All Autopilot buttons working
-Throttle with detents you can feel at the transition to reverse throttle
-Props and mixture customized and tuned
-Perfectly tuned IAS bugs around the airspeed indicator
-All overhead light knobs tuned
-ADF and Transponder knobs tuned
-Arm Rests
-Oxygen and AC levers tuned
-Pressurization Knobs
-CRS 1 OBS dial
-HDG dial
-CRS 2 OBS dial
-Flaps no longer an animated toggle, now a fully working lever with detents you can feel
-Altimeter baro pressure knobs
-Altitude Selector knob
-Parking Brake hand tuned
-Avidyne Page knob
-Avidyne zoom knob
-Custom interior volume knob rotation corrected and tuned
-VR Yoke added and tuned
-Custom teleport hotspots, including one at the cabin door and in passenger seats


Things that still don't work correctly:

*The Climb and Descend buttons on the autopilot require you to push the V/S autopilot button first for them to work correctly.  Carenado has these as custom manipulators that do both of these actions on one mouse click, but I couldn't create a custom VR-clickable manipulator that replicates this by firing two datarefs at once...so you just have to hit V/S and then hit Climb or Descend, and then it works fine - Starts you on a +800 fpm or -800 fpm climb and descent, respectively.

*The visors are a mess.

*The props do not have a centre click-spot to move them all at once, so you'll have to move them one at a time with the VR controllers.  This is due to some custom code conflicts that can not be corrected with this version.

*The Master Caution Reset and Master Warning Reset buttons do not work with VR controllers, only on mouse-click.  Again due to some custom coding that can only work on mouse click, not VR controllers.  It works well with VR mouse though.


What's New in V101: 

Heading Sync bug has been fixed, altitude knob has been tuned for faster speed.


Edited by Joe_K
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On 1/8/2019 at 8:59 PM, Berni said:

I have a problem with this - the yoke is wrong - pushing makes the plane-nose go up an pulling down. Can you help me?

Yes this has already been reported. It can be fixed yourself though if you know what to edit in the cockpit object file.

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6 hours ago, Arkham Robot said:

So any idea if the fix will be released anytime soon?  kinda broken right now...

I am working on it, I fixed the yoke in the object file (so it now works right in 2D), I just have to fix the vrconfig. Problem is, I started a new job this week and have zero free time now.

If you want to do the first part of the fix, it's this line, put the missing minus sign on the second 500.00...:

ATTR_manip_drag_xy four_arrows 500.000000 -500.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 sim/cockpit2/controls/yoke_roll_ratio sim/cockpit2/controls/yoke_pitch_ratio 

I will have a look at the vrconfig when I have time.

Edited by coda
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8 hours ago, coda said:


Thanks for the prompt response back Coda.  Are you sure about that line item because I implemented your changes to the Car_B1900D_cockpit.obj and the reverse is still happening.  Yes, I reloaded X-plane and the B1900 model and all. 🙂

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I was able to compare with another aircraft object file and came up with this line which works.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


ATTR_manip_drag_xy four_arrows 500.000000 500.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 sim/cockpit2/controls/yoke_roll_ratio sim/cockpit2/controls/yoke_pitch_ratio

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