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X-Plane 11 won't get passed "Will Initialize Plugins" on Loading Screen because of SAM


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Hey everyone,

For some reason, today my x-plane started acting up, and wouldn't get passed the "Will Initialize Plugins" part of the loading screen. I removed all my plugins and then slowly added them back, and found that SAM was the plugin causing the problem. Without it, x-plane loads fine. Attached is my log.txt. I am running X-plane 11.55 (Vulkan), and the newest version of SAM. 


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About Sam's behavior I attach my post to the Greek Site X-Plane Greece along with the rough resolution I achieved.......''Good morning to everyone. At 25-7-2021, a comment from me on the lack of Traffic at Kos and Rhodes (Gaya Sim LGKO_IPOKRATIS, and FSDG - RHODES XP (LGRP)) and has been confirmed by any other friends and other friends -Lide of the site. Of course, always in relation to Traffic Global I use for traffic, and its cooperation with the SAM plugin that is installed. Well, "traffic returned" to airports (shown in images) by intervention + addition to Scenery_Pack.ini. And what were this? Added the indication that appears on the top of the SCEEENERY_PACK.INI file (F: \ X-Plane 11 \ Resources \ Plugins \ Sam \ Lib \ Sam_Library \) In the picture below. WILL SAVE THIS AREA The above airports are deserted. Of course, I have no explanation for this happens. Membership friends face the same problem Let's try. It can not only happen to me''.


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