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SAM Plugin Not Loading


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem - I have uninstalled SAM2 and have successfully installed and activated SAM3 but it fails to show up in the Plugins menu. I am running latest ver of X-Plane through Steam. Relevant Logtxt extract as follows:

dlerror:dlopen(/Users/BH/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/mac_x64/SAM.xpl, 6): Library not loaded: @loader_path/FlutterEmbedder.framework/FlutterEmbedder
  Referenced from: /Users/BH/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/mac_x64/SAM.xpl
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
    /Users/BH/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/mac_x64/FlutterEmbedder.framework/FlutterEmbedder: file too short
    /Users/BH/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/mac_x64/FlutterEmbedder.framework/FlutterEmbedder: file too short

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Thanks Marten, for your prompt reply. I did follow the Mac section instructions, but the problem persists. Might it have something to do with the old SAM library currently in the Custom Scenery folder? Should this library be deleted first? The Log.txt extract above seems to suggest this ("Library not loaded"). I tried deleting this folder from Custom Scenery, then re-validating all Steam XP local files - but still SAM3 does not show up in Plugins menu. Like 'beem' no issues with re-installing SAM2!

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