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SAM Plugin Disabled for some reason


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I have been using SAM Jetways without issue until today. The jetway did not work for some reason on today's short flight so after arrival I checked the plugins list and saw it was disabled. Not 15 seconds later the sim crashed and so did my computer. On boot up, I came to this forum to check on possible issues and checked the SAM log and found some issues with failed parsing wind data lines from various ICAO locations. I noticed showed that it did work correctly for the previous aircraft and then the log shows [plugin:info] Disabling plugin...

Unrelated, I think, in the log I found a reference to [license:warn] invalid steam product. My Xplane 11 is most certainly not invalid and it is a Steam licensed product so not sure what that is doing in the log and where is it getting that from and could it be related to the described problem?

Edited by marcusaurelius
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