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World Jetways textures always rendering in lowest resolution SAM3 WorldJetways


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World Jetways textures always rendering in lowest resolution SAM3 WorldJetways licensed version...
Could someone please point me to lower resolution texture sets for your addons for SAM3 World Jetways?  I purchased the new FELIS 747-200 and loaded in at KSEA (default) at a Heavy gate.  The jetways keep staying at the lowest possible resolution, even though the airport and the AI and parked aircraft are displaying at or near their best resolution.  (I get around 30-40fps with this plane at this airport.)  The jetways must be 4K or higher and they just remain a complete blur.  (I'm assuming they are 4K, but I don't know where to find them to find out.)  Could someone please direct me to a lower resolution set, or let me know what else I might try to help fix this?
I don't see any setting or configurable settings that are available to the user.  Would it be possible to add a panel with a switch that would limit the texture size so our GPU's don't run out of memory trying to do the impossible?  It's either that or the SAM3 plugin is somehow limiting the resolution of everything that it thinks I can't see from where my viewpoint is.
I would appreciate any assistance you have to offer.
I didn't have this issue with SAM2, but I couldn't find any way to buy a license for the World Jetways plugin for SAM2 over at Aerosoft.  If there's a way to switch out my new SAM3 for SAM2, that might be all I need to fix this.

Edited by Randy97402
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