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Some things about sounds...


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Hi! I'm working on the sounds for levelup these days, and while my personal life has gotten busier, I'm still chipping away at the improvements.

This is just a general post for me to update on sounds every once in a while, I unfortunately don't have enough time to track different platforms at once. If there's anything to note about sounds, please let us know over at the discord server and I will probably go through it eventually 🙂

There were couple of things you all have said already, so I will address them first.

Where is the PAX chatter, PA announcements, etc.? Will they be available later? FO callouts are Bri ish???

--When I took over the sounds, the priority for me was to get the essentials done first, as in all sounds of the 737 are heard before I moved on to extras/frills, and that as many sounds necessary to flying works before it got out to the world. There are definitely few quirks that has to be fixed, which I will address below, but hopefully I can start working on these soon and I will share what I am doing. One of the challenges is that the entire soundpack right now stands at around 20 mbs, while if loaded with announcements like audiobird's, the filesize becomes more like 1gb. I will see what I can do to reduce that number. In the very night before release I managed to pack first officer callouts into the soundpack - I know that American voice is a popular requested feature, it has already been implemented!

The flap sounds are inaccurate!

--They actually are! But also actually not! When I asked about this to Daniela, she told me that it was recorded from the interior of the 738 and as clean as possible, with engines shut off. However, when the engines are shut off, the 737 uses electrically driven pumps which are much slower and makes a lower pitched, different sound like you hear in the soundpack right now. I have added a engine-driven-pump-driven (whatever the official term for this is) flap sound which will play when the engines are running, and the current sounds when the engines are not. They are not as high quality, so I hope to find a better recording in the future. Regardless, for that one person out there who gets a dual engine failure and needs to land, your flap sounds are still accurate 😉 

There's errors logged in the log.txt! My unassigned button makes a noise!

--THIS IS MY BAD!! All of them - as far as I am aware of - has been fixed. The "RTP D off" in all variants plus the gear lever in the -900 (which was probably because I was pulling an all nighter and edited the wrong entry) I'm so incredibly sorry and hopefully there won't be many more of this in the future.


If your comment has not been addressed here, please visit our discord and leave a feedback at the feedback channel. With school coming back in session, I will have less time to track discord and especially forums, and it will be easier on me that way. With all that out of the way, I hope you all have a great 2022!

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