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Sam for X plane 12??


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@Marten@Stairport ... thanks, your advice is appreciated 👍

I seem to recall with previous versions of SAM, the end-user was required to install the SAM plugin into resources/plugins and a SAM library into custom scenery.

Do we still need to install a SAM library and if so, where can we get the latest version as it is not included in the download?

Edited by slicker55
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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi Martin. I have been trying to get SAM to work with XP12 (M1 Mac) but while the plugin opens and I was able to activate gates and follow me, neither of these functions actually works. Also I cannot seem to enter a departure or arrival runway into the planning screen. I read here that SAM is supposed to be working in XP12 but my experience says no. Can you tell me what I need to do to get SAM to work properly in XPlane 12? Let me know if you need any further info on my setup. Note... I am running XPlane with minimal plugins and only the default scenery. I get application crashes if I try to run shareware airports. Thanks for your advice.

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  • 2 months later...

Using SAM 3.19 and XP12 I have problems loading payware sceneries like EDDB and EDDN where the ground texture is using SAM seasons.
Loading a position at these airports I get the failure message "The following scenery package has a problem and will therefore not be loaded" in the log.txt and the scenery is not loaded.
At rainy weather the file Ground_Wet_Effect_01.pol is missing, but the scenery and the file is present  -scenery refused to load.
Unchecking all seasons or using Ortho4xp colours did not help.

Another bug I noticed since XP11.55 and SAM3 is the missing docking/ position animation at EDDF, the jetways are working.

What can I do ?

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I'm using SAM Follow Me 3.1.10 in xplane 12 latest version with the latest version of the Toliss A321 and Taimodels LFPG Charles de Gaulle v5.0.

If I have the SAM plugin enabled then I get an xplane crash when loading a Toliss situation at that airport.

If I disable either the SAM plugin or the airport, it works.  This is repeatable.



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