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X-Plane 12 & SAMv3.1.9 'The Author should update this to ensure future compatibility.'


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Hi all,

following message directly appears after starting X-Plane 12:


Deprecated dataref use by SAM sim/weather/use_real_weather_bool The Author should update this to ensure future compatibility. Please see log for more details.

Here some excerpts from the log files.

X-Plane 12 log:

[SAM]: Dataref 'sim/weather/use_real_weather_bool' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
0:01:28.892 E/PLG: The plugin SAM called the SDK function XPDisplayDismissableAlert from outside of a drawing callback. This is illegal! This plugin needs to be fixed.

SAMv3.1.9 log:

[weather:warn] unable to get real-time weather data from METAR.rwx for icao EDDL

Is there any easy fix for this issue?







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@Zebulon thanks for the link... I found this one last night and ran into the same issues which you highlighted at the start of this post. To be honest, I wondered if the page / link was genuine especially as the installation instructions do not appear to be correct.

As far as I can recall and contrary to the instructions on the download page, we have always been told to place the SAM folder into the resources/plugins folder.

Out of interest, how have you installed his latest version of SAM and with the extensions not yet compatible with XP12, do you know what the base plugin is actually bringing to the party right now?

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A few quick answers to my previous questions, place SAM into resource/plugins folder, check for any extension updates (none available right now) and what does the base plugin bring to the party... well, I have a payware-only system (19 Orbx airports) 6 of which would not load prior to installing SAM...  

Just a little tip, unzipping on Win 10 PC produces several errors during the extraction process albeit relating to other operating systems. However, this does not happen if you unzip using a Mac and then transfer the unarchived SAM folder to the Win 10 PC.

This is probably unnecessary but I tend to be a bit OCD about things like this!

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