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Static Jetway Extenders


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Hey. I am working on converting FlyTampa EHAM whilst implementing SAM. A lot of the gates are too far to connect to the plane. There are stock extenders but they don't line up properly with both the jetway and the scenery. The AutoGate ones are too high, and are basically flat white. There are no extenders  that both match jetway heights and texture. It would be nice if these would be included (in the same way that the stock ones are made, not animated, or animate if you want)


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Because of limited time and resources that won't happen unless someone is either is willing to pay for the object creation or to contribute their work to the SAM library free of charge. 

I remember another user played around with the default Jetway extensions to an acceptable level, try to use the search function for that. 

Edited by Marten@Stairport
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's what I mean

Seen from front and seen from side, not a big deal of course

Would be possible to activate Jetways automatically for AI traffic of World Traffic 3, I'm sure Greg (the developer of the plugin) would be more than glad to cooperate to add such a feature, his AI aircrafts have all the door coordinates set but of course we talk of obj file and not acf. Maybe some dedicated coding would allow the implementation.




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