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Creating a static link to the SAM_Library folder


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Looking at the documentation that comes with the latest version of SAM (2.0.2), it doesn't say anything about the need copying the SAM_Library folder to Custom Scenery folder. Wouldn't it be good to have that information in the documentation?


Looking at the note on the download page over here, it says you can either copy the folder manually or...

Option 2: Use a LinkShell Junction to drop a static link to the SAM/lib folder into your custom directory (tutorial)

Where do I find the tutorial mentioned since it's not a hyperlink I can click?

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  • WebMaximus changed the title to Creating a static link to the SAM_Library folder

Ah, thanks! I did miss that part.

Or rather...I was somehow "tricked" to miss that part I guess you could say because someone over in the Orbx forum told me this is required to make things work. Which puzzled me since I couldn't recall I saw anything about it in the user doc.

So, this means Orbx should do this for their airports using SAM such as EGNM to make sure they work correctly.

However, since I guess there will be some time before all developers modify their products to follow this new file structure, I could do it myself to make sure all my SAM-enabled airports work correctly right away without waiting for updates from the developers. Or is there maybe more to it?

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If I would like to do this myself, what switches should I use in Windows 10 using the mklink command to make sure it works correctly? I'm guessing I should use the /J and /H switches?

Here's what I get when issuing mklink /?

MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target

        /D      Creates a directory symbolic link.  Default is a file
                symbolic link.
        /H      Creates a hard link instead of a symbolic link.
        /J      Creates a Directory Junction.
        Link    Specifies the new symbolic link name.
        Target  Specifies the path (relative or absolute) that the new link
                refers to.

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21 minutes ago, WebMaximus said:

However, since I guess there will be some time before all developers modify their products to follow this new file structure [..]

Why should anything be changed? All sceneries work perfectly in the old and new SAM versions.

The only thing that we changed is the directory of the libraries internally. But why do you care about that? You don't have to 😄 


You ONLY have to copy the library into custom scenery manually if you would like to see the objects in WED. That's all.

Edited by Marten@Stairport
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Just tried this which I think had the desired effect

mklink /H /J SAM_Library "F:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library"

I can now go to my Custom Scenery folder where I find a SAM_Library folder even when it's just a link taking me to the real SAM_Library folder.

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3 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Why should anything be changed? All sceneries work perfectly in the old and new SAM versions.

The only thing that we changed is the directory of the libraries internally. But why do you care about that? You don't have to 😄 


You ONLY have to copy the library into custom scenery manually if you would like to see the objects in WED. That's all.

Hmm...yep...I'm slightly confused right now 😂

The reason I figured it would be good to use option 2 was to avoid this:


And the reason I chose to do this manually was to make sure everything is in place as it should be. Because before this, I didn't have a SAM_Library folder (or a link to it) in the Custom Scenery folder. And I was told that could cause issues. At least with Orbx airports.

And the reason I started messing around with SAM in the first place was how the jetway wouldn't attach nor detach automatically to the Zibo mod at gate 8 at Orbx EGNM. The idea was maybe this was caused by not having SAM_Library in place. But guess the culprit is something else then after what you've just said.

This is where I've discussed this for Orbx EGNM. 

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31 minutes ago, WebMaximus said:

The idea was maybe this was caused by not having SAM_Library in place

That's not the problem. The library is only necessary if the scenery uses library jetways and i'd be surprised if ORBX did that instead of using its own objects 😉  If a jetway is not connecting properly you are out of limits. Probably ORBX didn't set the jetway limits high enough to cover your parking situation.

I would highly recommend you:

  • If you are a scenery developer use your current setup with the linked folder into custom scenery.
  • If you are not a scenery developer delete all magic that you've done and simply install SAM like everyone else based on the manual description (Extract zip into main x-plane folder). Otherwise you might run into trouble in other cases and nobody will ever be able to debug your problems properly.
Edited by Marten@Stairport
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Many thanks for the prompt and detailed support!

What you say about the Orbx scenery and how the jetway didn't attach correctly (and automatically even when having SAM set to automatic operation of jetways), is that something I would be able to adjust myself to make the jetways work correctly? Or is that something that needs to be done by Orbx?

I've now removed the link as suggested since I'm no scenery developer 🙂

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You can do it yourself although ORBX should update their scenery:

Open the authoring tool in x-plane via plugins->sam and navigate to the jetway->edit jetway section.

Select the jetway, open the Installation tab and set the minimum and maximum values for each part of the animation. You can use the Test Arrangement to determine the relevant limits. Attention: Min/Max Wheel usually won’t be changed. Also set the initial rotate values which will be the fixed position if the jetway is not being used.

Finally choose a name for the user menu button at the Jetway Label like „Gate 01“ and save it. 

This video might be helpful as well:


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Just had a look but this seems a bit too complicated so I'll just leave it as it is and hope Orbx will fix it themselves if need be 🙂

One follow-up question though. Since the jetway is attached just fine when I load a flight at this particular gate, is what you suggested above about Orbx not setting the jetway limits high enough still valid?

As mentioned above, one side of the issue I have is the jetway won't detach when I switch the beacon light ON. Maybe I'm completely wrong here, but I was thinking if the values/limits were not correctly set, the jetway wouldn't be correctly attached when loading up a flight either...?

Anyway, here's what it looks like when I load up a flight at gate 8 at Orbx EGNM in the Zibo mod


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33 minutes ago, WebMaximus said:

[..] is what you suggested above about Orbx not setting the jetway limits high enough still valid?

No, that would only be the case if the jetway doesn't connect at all

34 minutes ago, WebMaximus said:

As mentioned above, one side of the issue I have is the jetway won't detach when I switch the beacon light ON.

Did you wait until the doors have been closed? It can take up to 10-15 seconds for the cabin crew to close and lock the doors before the jetway will disconnect

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3 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Did you wait until the doors have been closed? It can take up to 10-15 seconds for the cabin crew to close and lock the doors before the jetway will disconnect

I'm 100% sure the doors were closed since I always check for any open doors on the overhead panel before I start moving the aircraft. Will do another test and will then check again to be even 110% sure 😉

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With the jetway limits not being the issue, do you have any idea what would cause the jetway to not attach automatically once you've parked at the gate, shut the engines down, set the parking brake, switched the beacon light off and the door has been opened?

Not sure if I remember what the trigger is for the jetway to attach? I know for detach, it's the beacon light coming on, correct?

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10 minutes ago, WebMaximus said:

I'm 100% sure the doors were closed since I always check for any open doors on the overhead panel before I start moving the aircraft. Will do another test and will then check again to be even 110% sure 😉

If you're using the Zibo Mod the doors won't work automatically because they are locked by default. But give it 10-15 seconds after switching on the beacon.

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I'm just about to start a flight from gate 8 at EGNM. I'm currently parked at the gate and the jetway is attached. I'll do what you suggest and wait for 10-15 seconds after switching on the beacon light and see if the jetway will detach.

One more question on automation. I have the doors also set to be operated automatically by SAM. However, now when I just launched X-Plane and loaded the flight, the door in the Zibo mod is closed. What is the trigger that will open the door?

Normally I'm used to open the door manually using the Zibo EFB and the Doors icon. After this, I start the flight also using the Zibo EFB to start the sound of boarding PAX. In this case though when relying on SAM operating the doors, it feels wrong starting the flight when the door is still closed.

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8 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

That's what I said on the Zibo mod above: The doors are locked and therefore cannot be opened by SAM. But if you open them manually they should close automatically when the jetway is disconnecting.

Ah, sorry.

And closing the doors is only for the door the jetway is connected to I suppose? Not the cargo doors?

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Sorry to say I had the same issue this time.

I waited for like 30 seconds or so after I switched the beacon light ON and still the jetway didn't detach. So had to start the pushback resulting in the jetway following the aircraft for as long as it could until it finally detached.

Arriving into Dublin, the jetway attached just fine. However, I think AutoGate is used over there.

Really odd but since you say it's working for you, it must be something wrong in my end if I only could figure out what.

No super big deal, just strange.

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And back to junction points, please check this out 


I'm using xOrganizer and just checked my scenery_packs.ini file and noticed I don't have the reference to SAM_Library.

So I guess maybe I should create that junction point manually after all? 

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