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ASDG Super Cub 180HP

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First I would like to say thank you for your tutorials in YouTube regarding "HOW TO" adjust your planes to VR.

One of the planes I hoped to fly in VR was ASDG Super Cub. Unfortunately they never brought the "stick" to the VR realm and I left it on the shelf for few years.

But, after watching your videos (I only saw 2 so far), I was able to:

  • Bring the "stick/yoke" into the plane and make a nice "greenish highlight".
  • Fix the Mixture in VR
  • Fix the Prop in VR.
  • w.i.p Throttle - convert from: "ATTR_manip_drag_axis" to "ATTR_manip_drag_rotate" fails.

It always amazed me how companies like LR think that plane developers should figure it out all from their notes. A simple 2-4 visual tutorials would have brought the level of VR adoption and their quality to a much better levels. But I digress.


I would like to have the throttle move in a more natural way in VR (and in 2D mode too).
Currently the manipulator was defined as "ATTR_manip_drag_axis" , but I think it should be "ATTR_manip_drag_rotate".
The problem I'm facing, is to make the throttle lever move similar as the "mixture" (in/out") but on a "rail" and it also has an angle.

Here is a snippet from the cockpit file:

ANIM_trans -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 0.000000 0.000000 none
ANIM_rotate 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 118.000076 63.000149 0.000000 1.000000 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0]
ANIM_trans 0.320840 -0.064190 -2.100640 0.320840 -0.064190 -2.100640 0.000000 0.000000 none
#ATTR_manip_drag_axis hand 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000 0.000000 1.000000 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0] Throttle
# ATTR_manip_drag_rotate <cursor> <x> <y> <z> <dx> <dy> <dz> <angle1> <angle2> <lift> <v1min> <v1max> <v2min> <v2max> <dataref1> <dataref2> <tooltip>
# ATTR_manip_drag_rotate hand -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 118.000076 63.000149 0.000000 0 1 0 0 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0] none
ATTR_manip_drag_rotate hand -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 -10 10 0 0 1 0 0 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0] none
TRIS 67659 2160

(Sorry for the colors, this is what I was given by the editor).

As you can see I have tried few options, and still am, but I could not understand the rules that make the movement forward/backwards, using the "angle1/angle2 + v1min/v1max"

In the case of the Super Cub, the throttle is located on the left door, and you need to push it "forward" to accelerate and "backwards" to decelerate.
So far I had mix experiences with the settings I did. Outcome was:

  1. The forward movement and backwards movements were not consistent and did not feel natural enough.
  2. When I brought the throttle to "full forward" it was harder to move it backwards since it seem its axes have been shifted, and now I needed to move my controller down/up or left/right (meaning, not to the natural direction I hoped).


I'll appreciate if you could shed some light on this manipulator and how to make different movements/directions using it.








Edited by snagar.dev
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Thanks @Joe_K

Took some time and lots of trial and errors to figure out the way it should move, although I did not use the manipulator you used, I might give this a shot.

Here is what I defined and seem to work quite good:

ANIM_trans -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 -0.320840 0.064190 2.100640 0.000000 0.000000 none
ANIM_rotate 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 118.000076 63.000149 0.000000 1.000000 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0]
ANIM_trans 0.320840 -0.064190 -2.100640 0.320840 -0.064190 -2.100640 0.000000 0.000000 none
ATTR_manip_drag_axis hand 0.000000 -0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0] Throttle
TRIS 67491 2160




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