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X-Trident Bell 412 v 4+


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Out of the VR Lab: X-Trident Bell 412

This fantastic bird gets some much deserved VR touch controller love for version 4.0.  The cyclic and collective are now usable with VR Touch controllers, and some knobs were added and tuned, as well as teleport hotspots added for Pilot and Copilot positions.


Manipulators that have been tweaked to work in VR are:

-Cyclic stick
-Nav knobs
-Com knobs
-Heading knob
-OBS knob
-Horizon knob
-Brightness knobs
-GPS knobs
-Custom Teleport Hotspots Added



Installation Instructions:

I recommend making a backup copy of your X-plane 11/Aircraft/AB412 folder.  Just rename it to something like AB412 Old, so you can easily just revert back if you need to.

Step 1. Unzip the file and you'll find 2 files in the folder.   Add both the Bell412_vrconfig.txt file and the Bell412_cockpit.obj to your Aircraft's root folder, overwrite.

Step 2.  Enjoy!


Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported X-Trident update, so don't expect support from them on it. If you need help you can always ask me or just revert to your backed up folders. If you lose the old files and just want to reset everything just reinstall the aircraft.




You must be a member of the club to download any files so please go ahead and join up, otherwise you will get an error.  You don't just have to join the Threshold forum, you ALSO have to join the SimVRlabs club separately, or it will say something like "file has been removed by author".

SimVRlabs 412 v4.zip

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