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iniSimulations ON THE LINE A300 Official Mod


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Out of the VR Lab: iniSimulations A306(F)


This update for version 1.1 of the aircraft tweaks nearly everything to work better in VR.  I worked very hard to make things just act and "feel" as right as they can.


Everything has been tuned for VR. Notable features include:

  • Thrust levers now move intuitively
  • Flap lever now moves intuitively
  • Speedbrake lever now moves intuitively
  • Yokes are now operable
  • ALL Overhead buttons, switches, and knobs
  • ALL Main Panel buttons, switches, and knobs
  • ALL FCU and EFIS buttons, switches, and knobs
  • ALL radio tuners
  • Teleport hotspots throughout the cockpit (Pilot, Copilot, Cockpit Door)


Known issues:

  • The EFB does not work with touch controllers. Users must use the VR mouse OR setup the EFB prior to VR. INI is aware of this bug but has not given any indication of a future fix.
  • This mod intentionally does not include teleport hotspots in the cabin or cargo areas. These areas are open to be explored without restriction using the VR controller's teleport function. This allows a "pain free" way to explore the aircraft without accidentally teleporting to an area which you did not intend.
  • The weather radar does not work. INI is aware of this bug but has not given any indication of a future fix.



  • First, you must join the SimVRLabs club on the Threshold Forums. Once you have joined, the download link become available.
  • Extract the contents of the included .ZIP into your aircraft's root folder and overwrite.


This modification is proudly made in partnership with iniBuilds and iniSimulations.


SimVRLabs - INI A300PAX.zip

SimVRLabs - INI A300F.zip

Edited by shenherm
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