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SAM AOS window maximize and can't restore it


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This is a very annoying problem.  I have my monitor set to use full screen mode.  During my VR session if I access SAM AOS and later switch to 2D the AoS window automatically maximizes. It covers up the whole XP and I can't select the edges to make it smaller. Here is a 19 sec video. 


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On 12/17/2020 at 2:52 AM, Marten@Stairport said:

@simssmith Could you please reinstall SAM 2.1.7 through SAM Suite and check if it fixes your issue?

What is the proper way to uninstall first so I can reinstall? 

The reason I am asking is, I had no success of uninstalling.  When I try to uninstall through SAM2 Suite, it closes and never uninstall anything regardless of if I choose "Yes" or "No".

A "repair/reinstall" button will be very useful in SAM2 Suite. 


Edited by simssmith
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Marten, I was not able to replicate this bug after doing a clean install using the latest SAM Suite + all latest plugin.  You can close this bug.

Installer issues probably known:

Removing SAM/lib/SAM_Library still showed all sub plugin installed. I had to do "reset" + Windows uninstall and then was able to install plugin again. 

Off topic: Please consolidate/remove some of the stickies in this forum. 



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