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Carenado PC12 HD SimVRlabs Mod


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Out of the VR Lab: Carenado PC12 HD

You wanted it, you got it! Now featuring a fully working Autopilot for VR touch controllers, working yoke, and many other custom hand-tuned manipulators optimized to work with VR touch controllers.  No more axis lines on the throttle and condition levers and those armrests. I worked very hard to make things just act and "feel" as right as they can.

Manipulators that have been tweaked to work in VR are:

-All Autopilot buttons working
-Condition Lever
-Custom ADF inner and outer knob
-Master Caution Warning button
-Master Alarm Warning Button
-Arm Rests
-Oxygen Lever
-Pressurization Knob
-CRS 1 OBS dial
-HDG dial
-CRS 2 OBS dial
-Decision Height knob
-Altimeter baro pressure knobs
-Altitude Selector knob
-Parking Brake orientation corrected and hand tuned
-Avidyne Page knob
-Avidyne zoom knob
-Instrument brightness knobs
-VR Yoke added and tuned
-Manual Override knob

New in v102:

-Custom Transponder
-Custom Audio Panel
-Passenger and Luggage doors with custom manipulators inside and outside

New in V104:

-Transponder VFR button instantly squawks 1200
-Transponder CRSR button working
-Detent vibrational feedback in throttle at the reverse throttle point so you can feel the transition
-Detents in the flaps at each marked position, so you can feel them
-Artificial horizon changed from axis to knob

New in V105:

-Window shades in the cabin are fixed.  Before, axis were reversed and the shades slid up and down on a wrist pivot (unnatural).  Now the axis is correct, and the shades slide up and down naturally as you would with your hands.  Also, vibrations were added so you can "feel" the slide.

Things that still don't work right:

The visors are a mess.  We may be able to fix those, but no promises.


Edited by Joe_K
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Amazing work! A couple minor things I noticed don't work yet in v1.3 of the PC12:

  • NAV 1 OBS (Steam Gauge) Course Knob (Doesn't work in 2D or VR mode with your files installed)
  • Back up Pilot Altimeter Baro Knob (Doesn't work in 2D or VR mode with your files installed)
  • Inertial Separator Button (Doesn't work in 2D or VR mode with your files installed, can be turned on with mapped control however)
  • EIS Test and Fuel Reset Button (Only doesn't work in VR. In version 1.3 of the PC12 the INERT SEP button works in VR, don't know if that's something you can take and insert into your files.)
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