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SAM 3.0.4 plug-in won't let me connect to ground power


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With SAM 3.0.4 plug-in installed, when I enable ground power, the power flickers on and off rapidly. This happens on my Aerobask Phenom 300 and my X-Crafts E-195, but I have not tried other aircraft. When I disable the SAM plug-in, everything works as expected. SAM 2.x plug-in does not cause this issue.

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In fact it's not an issue but a feature. In SAM2 we implemented Jetway Power but unfortunately it was not working but nobody including us noticed that 😄

We now corrected it to be working as expected which does now cause issues with certain aircrafts. You can still disable it in SAM settings and we're currently discussing if we should disable it by default.

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Thanks Marten. I have reverted to V2 meanwhile unable to find a solution, I'll try with jetway power turned off to test if it works.

To elaborate the issue, any aircraft on GPU even at airports without SAM or jetways would cause the power connection bus transfer sound to play again and again while the interior would flicker at unison. 

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So, I was faced with the same problem and I am politely waiting for a update.
But everyone writes here (or I think ;-)) about version 3.0.4, but when I use Manager it shows me that there is a newer version available Base Plugin v3.0.5.
When I install it, unfortunately, many sceneries are loaded with errors.
What this is about ???
(sorry, I never had to go deeper into SAM -> I had no problems before).

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This  is mostly resolved but there is still a small issue. The power flicker still happens when the generator (ground power) is present and available, but not in use. Once ground power is “in use” the flickering stops and ground power works as expected. 

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