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Threshold LevelUp

LevelUp 737 is released


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From @Peter Tram

Hello peeps!

The second half of this year was the most eventful: for the most part, tablet progress was consistent right until August and September when the first few alphas were pushed out, our main coder abruptly dropped out of the project due to real life commitments (long hours of high school and work) and this brought a major setback to the project. We’ve since received help (to some degree of success) from multiple developers, but it was nowhere enough to finish it in a state we’re satisfied with - this was ongoing for a month and a half.

Some other issues such as a missing window on the -900/ER series and the cargo door location being misplaced by a few inches were addressed (which required mapping adjustments, and a texture reauthor in Substance to keep things consistent)

Around the middle of last month, we started our contingency plan to revert back to the ZiboMod tablet, and develop a comprehensive UI rework on top of it (and then some: Zibo has done some minor changes to tailor it to our specifications) to bring some of the GUI features we’ve introduced in our tablet over to the ZiboMod tablet. The end result is something that is familiar with everyone (as it uses the same UI layout), but more legible and on-brand to our work.

For the better half of this month, we’ve been secretly testing the aircraft to iron out any further cosmetic, tablet/systems, sounds, and flightmodel quirks. All of this effort culminated into today’s release of the 737NG Series. While it was delayed by over a year, the state of the aircraft is something we all think is now worthy to be flown in your hands, so we invite you to celebrate the end of 2021 with the LevelUp 737NG Series.

There are some quirks and kinks to be ironed out, but for the most part, they aren’t critical to your flying experience. We’ll be actively monitoring and updating the aircraft!

We’d like to personally thank Lubos Zibek (Zibo) & Co, and Mateusz Dziurkiewicz (Slavbass) for their mobilisation to make this release a reality. Both of them pulled an all-nighter, past new-years, working with us on patching the last minute issues on the aircraft. To the painters and testers in our team, who also act as our visual and systems QC, your insightful feedback helped us polish these aircraft to an impressive level of quality.

Enjoy! We wish you happy holidays, and a prosperous new year!


DOWNLOAD THE 737NG SERIES: https://forum.thresholdx.net/files/file/1298-boeing-737ng-series/

LevelUp Livery Section: https://forum.thresholdx.net/files/category/115-liveries-official/

Paintkit: https://forum.thresholdx.net/files/file/1296-levelup-737ng-series-paintkit/


Canvas Liveries: https://discord.gg/ruv4gHju

Donate to ZiboUpdater: While our 737 Series work is free, the infrastructure to support the traffic and hosting the files does have a cost, so if you're feeling generous, please donate to ZiboUpdater to keep our work easily available: https://ziboupdater.net/donate

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