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World jetways not working


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just one thing. In one screenshot I can see that the jetways have yellow pipes. That indicates that these are static ones as we killed these object parts ofr a better animation. Could you please enable the debugging mode for your test cases to see if you get a green or yellow line from the jetway center to the door like in my screenshots? If not WorldJetways is not working properly.

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2 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Just one thing. In one screenshot I can see that the jetways have yellow pipes. That indicates that these are static ones as we killed these object parts ofr a better animation. Could you please enable the debugging mode for your test cases to see if you get a green or yellow line from the jetway center to the door like in my screenshots? If not WorldJetways is not working properly.

Sure. I'll try on the 346 and the Levelup that works.

It's odd as it works on some fine and doesn't on others.

Edit: Just loaded in and now door L1 does connect like your picture. No clue why it has been consistently not working and now it does 🤔


Edited by dipperdolphin
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