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macOS plugin minimum version


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First, just a note that https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/5007-sam-scenery-animation-manager/ lists "X-Plane 10 Version 10.00+"; I gather the Aerosoft forum doesn't allow for specifying an XP11 version, but may I suggest setting the "X-Plane 10 version" to either 11.10+ (11.10 required since you use new SDK 3.0 packaging rules) or at least "Not applicable"?

Then, perhaps more importantly, your macOS plugin appears to be built against macOS 10.13:

Load command 8
  cmdsize 16
  version 10.13
      sdk 10.13

…whereas X-Plane 11 itself can run all the way back to macOS 10.10: https://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-11-system-requirements/

Since you're most likely not using any macOS 10.13+ only APIs, specifying -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 should be enough to ensure compatibility with 10.10 or later, regardless of the SDK used.



Edited by Tim/Rodeo314
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I just haven't really bothered upgrading. You should probably indicate the minimum macOS version somewhere, especially since it doesn't match the X-Plane 11 system requirements for macOS.

BTW, we can turn that question around: is there a specific reason why you plugin requires macOS 10.13 or later? 😉 😛

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According to the log, X-Plane loaded the plugin successfully, but it had an error during the initialization phase. Did it create a sam.log file in the plugin directory? Since it even put the version correctly into the log, the version of your OS seems to be supported, otherwise it would have failed sooner.

Edited by Folko
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Good point; issue is:

18:33:35 e: Exception in XPluginStart: Couldn't open file: /Volumes/Z4ALL/XP_DEMO_V_11/Custom Scenery/scenery_packs.ini

I had just deleted preferences and scenery and run the updater to make sure I had clean demo, this was the initial X-Plane launch without a scenery_packs.ini file.

I do tend to sometimes delete the scenery_packs.ini so that X-Plane regenerates it (if you keep the Custom Scenery folder organized by name, deleting and letting X-Plane make a new one is easier than hand-editing said file; Mac users can't use xOrganizer).

Plugin should be able to handle this gracefully? Whatever it needs to look for, if there is no scenery_packs.ini SAM should be able to safely (and correctly) assume all airport-type or overlay-type packages (which I what I gather SAM only really cares about) will get loaded by X-Plane? I guess X-Plane does actually skip packages where it finds an apt.dat with a version number newer than the version of X-Plane (e.g. sceneries with 1100 apt.dat files do get skipped by XP10), but that's about it. 

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks Marten.  Before you responded my over-zealous self laid down the shekels for WorldJetways from Aerosoft, which was the reason I was after your wonderful SAM in the first place.  I am pleased to advise that it works a treat on my mid-2011 iMac running MacOS 10.13. I understand that SAM may not work with other programs for me, but that is OK.

Just sayin' 

Edited by OKernel
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