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Jetway not connecting to A320 Ultimate


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Hello there, and thanks for the amazing plugin.

I have installed the Jetways in Recife and in Belfast (SBRF  and EGAC). The dock station and marshallers work fine for the planes, but the jetway is not connecting to the A320 Ultimate, I have no problems to connect it to the 767 and 737. I have followed both tutorials on youtube and the comprehensive tutorial in this club.

Is there any trick that I need to do? The beacon lights are off and engines also off.



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3 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

You better read the supported aircrafts list 😉


Dear Martin,

Thank you for your reply. But this is another issue that I am having, none of the jetways show up in the list. I am sending SS attached. I don't see them like in the tutorial video. The same for the Hangars.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to make this clear, the Jetway I set up in my scenery project docked to FF A320 automatically. This was a nice surprise for me after a long flight 🙂 I also have a video from replay but cannot share a link here - or I don't know how to 😛. 



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12 minutes ago, Folko said:

Or maybe it doesn't touch the dataref at all so that it will keep the value from the previously selected aircraft? Then it would depend on which aircraft you used in the previous flight of the same session.

Tested and confirmed. It takes the setting from the previously loaded aircraft. However that does not change anything as long as we don't get a readable dataref to access to...

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23 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

That's pretty strange. I just installed a clean copy of the A320 and can't bring it up to life. Maybe you accidently switched on force connect in the authoring menu?

No, I did not use the authoring menu  Marten 🙂

There is certainly something different between X-Plane 11.26 and 11.30. You can watch a video I recorded right now (before updating SAM plugin to 1.0.3) and decide for yourself. I started at the same spot in the same airport scenery (to which I added about 200 docking panels unfortunately and only 3 jetways fortunately) for testing purposes. You see the behavior of jetway at start-up for yourself. Search for H Buberci in Youtube for my account and check the most recent upload. Tags FF A320U, SAM1.0.2 

EDIT: I just uploaded another short video showing the docking after a short taxi.

Edited by Argaeus
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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 9:16 AM, Argaeus said:

I tested a departure point which had SAM jetway and the aircraft was connected to the terminal at cold and dark state and the jetway pulled back as soon as I turned the beacon lights on for departure.

I already tried that but retrying and recording it as of now.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/7/2019 at 5:10 PM, Marten@Stairport said:

Ah indeed. Let's see what others report.

Hello. Thanks for this great addon.

But its not working with the FF A320. But since version 0.9.2 they added own datarefs for the aircraft. And the FF A320 dataref for beacon light is "a320/Overhead/LightBeacon" , is it possible to add that dataref for your next version of SAM ? So the SAM will detect the beacon light for the FF A320 ?

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