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GroundServiceXP Issue - FF757 and FF767 tailstrike when loading/unloading


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Hi there - In addition to the Zibo Mod issue raised earlier this week, another issue to report with GroundServiceXP...

Everytime I load or unload the FF757 or FF767 using SAM Ground ServiceXP, the aircraft gets horrenduously out-of-balance and sits on it's tail!

Please explain how the Ground Service XP pliugin is used with these particular aircraft to avoid these silly defects every time.



Edited by cjreed
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Hi we know that for some users the Flightfactor aircrafts tend to behave strange upon spawning. Therefore we implemented this option. Set it to disabled and you should be good.



FlightFactor is also problematic with other SAM features such as ground power. As they have a custom logic locked behind the doors we can't provide ground power via SAM. That's why it's not visible in the UI.

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1 hour ago, cjreed said:

Sorry, but changing that setting makes no difference here.

The FF767 still tips on it's tail when loading/unloading using SAM even if Override Weights on Flight load is set to 'disabled'.


I think the sequence by which you load matters.  Flight Factor although nice planes behave in a strange way.  Try adding fuel first alone.  Then passengers and cargo.

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