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Traffic Plugin X-Life or World Traffic


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Hello guys,

First of all, thank you for this amazing Plugin and for your great work!
I just wanted to ask you if there are any plans to implement this with a Traffic Plugin like X-Life or World Traffic, that would be next level 😍


Edited by Th3Kingsman
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2 hours ago, Th3Kingsman said:

Hello guys,

First of all, thank you for this amazing Plugin and for your great work!
I just wanted to ask you if there are any plans to implement this with a Traffic Plugin like X-Life or World Traffic, that would be next level 😍


This was asked way back and the simple answer was it could be, but won't be. There are issues with copyrights from the people making the csl aircraft models, especially around the SAM payware license. Also it would mean configuring hundreds of aircrafts by hand and not to mention the demands on processor and framerate drop.

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3 hours ago, Ron Baruah said:

This was asked way back and the simple answer was it could be, but won't be. There are issues with copyrights from the people making the csl aircraft models, especially around the SAM payware license. Also it would mean configuring hundreds of aircrafts by hand and not to mention the demands on processor and framerate drop.

Dear Ron,

"This was asked way back and the simple answer was it could be, but won't bï»że. There are issues with copyrights from the people making the csl aircraft models, especially around the SAM payware license."

-> Could you please link the source of what you mentioned?

"Also it would mean configuring hundreds of aircrafts by hand"

-> OK, but IMHO programming and software developing usually needs efforts. But mostly many things could be automated by code to fill with content, isn't it?

"and not to mention the demands on processor and framerate drop" -> Why? How you want to know that?

Many thanks in advance for your feedback

Best wishes



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There are 3 main challenges:

  • Get the information where which aircraft has been drawn: This has to be provided by the traffic plugin developer. As they use XPLMInstance to place objects the necessary information like object/aircraft type, coordinate and heading is not accessable by default. If they would be willing to share those data it would still require some additional work for them so we don't know if they would jump in.
  • Find a performant checking method: To get a good performance only visible jetways are included in the check nearest jetway with aircraft position query. If we would add this query to all placed static aircrafts it creates a massive calculation load. And if your own aircraft is moving and therefore the amount of visible jetways changes it creates an additional load just again. The best way would be to shift the entire jetway system to XPLMInstance but that would require a high investment which none of you would be willing to pay I guess.
  • Create aircraft configuration files for all 3rd party objects: This is the easiest but no less time consuming task.

But let's say we find a solution for everything and enough user willing to pay for it still the most difficuilt challenge is:


Our developer is busy with other projects so as long as we don't have additional resources all those ideas will remain in the drawer for the next time.

Edited by Marten@Stairport
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