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About This File

EI-RJN is a 1999 Bae 146-200 ( RJ85 ). She was delivered to Meseba Airlines and entered into service with Cityjet in 2007. She mostly flew from Dublin to London City Airport as a wet-lease aircraft to Aer Lingus between 2018 and 2019. After Cityjet retired their RJ85's, Aer Lingus had stopped their official routes to London City, and EI-RJN was bought by the Norwich Aviation Museum. This aircraft was uplifted by a crane across a highway to the museum to be put on display.

If there are any issues at all that I might of missed, or I have done something incorrectly, do not hesitate to let me know

Repaint for the Just Flight 146 Pro - X Plane 11


Place the 200 Aer Lingus EI-RJN folder into your JF146 folder within ......X-Plane 11\Aircraft\JF_BAe_146\liveries

Painted By Alan K

J al.png

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