About This File
Ince Microlight Airstrip is located not far from Liverpool (United Kingdom). It seems to be mainly used by microlights but there is nothing stopping you flying whatever aircraft you want within Flight Simulator.
Use the ICAO code EGIC to locate the airport. This ICAO code was given by Microsoft Flight Simulator, the airstrip does not seem to have any ICAO code assigned in the real world. Seems it could be a mistake but thought I would leave it as it is just in case.
Installation Steps
Copy the folder "thegarner-airport-egic-ince" to your Microsoft Flight Simulator installation directory under the "Community" folder.
- All runways added including number markings.
- Additional vegetation
- Multiple static aircraft
- Multiple GA parking spots
- Multiple static objects such as buildings, cars, fences and more. Tried to resemble what the real airstrip looks like.
- Windsocks