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Everything posted by Marten@Stairport

  1. Haha I was really wondering how that object came into our bridges
  2. Oh no, me again. It's getting quite difficuilt to manage that many aircrafts. It should be corrected now, please redownload!
  3. Have you checked the templates of the jetways? Are they correct? The aircraft door locations are set up correctly.
  4. Sorry, my fault. Forgot to include the config. Please redownload now.
  5. Oh interesting, I've never seen something like that before. Difficuilt to recreate, that would require a new logic. But it's on our long term list now, thanks for the hint.
  6. Ehm, you need to give more detailed information about that error. Where is it? Inside X-Plane? In the downloaded archive? The marshaller has been changed to an .agp file format but there is a legacy version. In case you are already working on a scenery simply change all marshaller.obj to marshaller.agp and you're fine. You shouldn't see any error message anyway.
  7. Hi all, Version 1.1.0 is online with new stuff to play with: Jetway Bridges: New objects are available in the SAM Library. Please refer to the new Developer Guide entry. X-Crafts ERJ series: Keep in mind that the ERJ has it's own stair and therefore doesn't need a Jetway connection. However the 0.0m jetway will work although the pax might have to jump a little All Changes: ⦁ Added bridge facades for each jetway type and height ⦁ Added 737Max configuration ⦁ Added Colimata Concorde configuration ⦁ Added X-Crafts ERJ Series configuration ⦁ Fixed jetway solid 4.0m type 01 ⦁ Fixed Peter Hager A380 livery variant compatibility ⦁ Fixed white shimmering on Safegate VDGS displays
  8. Since SAM 1.1.0 bridges are available to connect the terminal building with a jetway. The following types are availabe: Type 1 - Glas | Type 1 - Solid | Type 2 - Solid You can access them through the World Editor in SAM_Library -> bridges. Here is how to place them: Select the bridge type. Draw the bridge to your liking. It has to end on the vertex of the jetway (rotunda centerpoint). Please note that only one segment is available, multiple segments are not possible (yet). Select one node of your drawn facade and select the bridge height in the object options to match your jetway.
  9. Hello please report your bug properly in case you would like to have any help: https://forum.thresholdx.net/forum/110-bug-reports/
  10. Hello guys, since XP 11.33+ the default library system is broken. You shouldn't see any major malfunctions of SAM but some sceneries use a fallback for certain SAM objects like marshaller or jetways so that you won't get an error when loading the scenery without SAM_Library. This backup command is currently corrupt which causes the fallback object to be used even when the library is installed correctly. In EDDF Frankfurt for example some marshallers are replaced by invisible objects so at some parking positions you won't see any. This happens randomly and might depend on your scenery and visual graphic settings. We already reported a bug to LR but we don't expect a fix soon.
  11. We don't have similar reports on that. You may provide me your scenery through PM so we can check what's the issue here.
  12. Not yet, we're waiting for a copy to create the configuration.
  13. You can do that yourself: Go to the installation tab Set the maximum value for extent to 20 Re-enter the Jetway Label and click save
  14. Hello all, a new version is online: Fixed FF A350 LF2 vertical position Added 737-700 Ultimate configuration Added jetways: type 2 solid/glas 4.5m | type 2 solid/glas 5.0m Tuned library jetway templates Added radar datarefs (2s/4s/6s)
  15. That's not possible I'm afraid as the code is not really usable for moving vehicles like stairs or ramps. You can play around yourself though, Aerosoft find an acceptable way for their Cologne scenery.
  16. check if there is a sam.xml in your custom scenery folder. It will be created on sim shutdown. If you never closed the sim before there is no chance to recover. If the file is present but the scenery not visible in the plugin menu you might back up the file and start from scratch by adding the scenery and close the sim again. Then copy the lines in the backup xml into the new one and continue from there.
  17. Why not have a look at the (video) tutorial? Should give you a good impression on that.
  18. Did you change the name of the scenery folder after adding SAM? BTW the scenery only appears in the menu if you have disabled automatic connection in case there are no other button animations like hangars or similar.
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