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Everything posted by Marten@Stairport

  1. Did you checked the loaded template? It has to have the same title like the jetway object. You can upload your scenery pack if you like and I will have a look. Works perfectly fine for me:
  2. It's probably because you played around with the door config in the previous version. Delete the entire plugin and the jetway configurations. Then install it and add the jetway configs again. All Aircrafts will be correctly configured by default.
  3. Unfortunately the current texture uv map is not very suitable to be repainted. We would have to buy a new Jetway model with a proper paintkit which would be something around 500€ I guess so if the community is willing to pay that sure we will implement it
  4. That's all correct, you don't have to delete any file on mac. Just install as usual. As long as you don't get a scenery error your fine.
  5. It usually is but the original developer of the scenery created jetways which cannot be extended enough. We already contacted him but without any result yet.
  6. That means you are out of range. Some parking positions are too far away from the jetway unfortunately. Try different spots please.
  7. Hi Philippe, could you please check if there is a file called sam.xml in your LSZH Airport folder? Where did you download the scenery? Greets Marten
  8. A 0.0m jetway is now included in the version 1.0.1. Note that they actually only work with the CRJ2 and BAE. To Prop aircrafts like the Saab 340 it won't connect because of the close Propeller however they will extent to somewhere close so that the passengers can "jump" of the jetway. We might include a small stair in the next update.
  9. Hey guys, SAM has been updated to 1.0.1. Here is the changelog: Fixed crash caused by missing scenery_packs.ini Added night texture to jetway type 1 + 2 glas Added distance indicator to marshaller in WED (red=medium jet | silver = heavy jet) Added Jetway Type 1 - 0.0m for regional aircrafts Added Aircraft config for JRollon CRJ200 Added color highlighting for Jetway arrangement sliders indicating values out of limit when using force connect Added additional ICAO override to VDG menu for testing Fixed wrong aircraft identification/time on VDGS objects Deleted airplane door configuration option. Will only be used by us internally or aircraft developers to integrate new aircrafts The most important change for Jetway configuration: In the arragement tab you can force connect the jetway to your aircraft. The sliders will turn red if you are out of limits. That should help you to identify why the jetway is not connecting. As a developer you have to increase the limits in the installation tab to extend the range.
  10. Some parking positions are out of range. Did you tried different ones? Please attach your sam.log as well.
  11. Yeah we thought about that again and we hope to have a deicing feature in the future. However it also depends on how 3rd party addons will simulate snow. It will be an interesting next year for sure.
  12. Well the limits are there for a good reason. The object has obvious limits of movement which are preset in the template. We still didn't find someone willing to contribute more Jetway objects so until then you have to deal with the limits of the included objects. Or create your own Jetway
  13. I should have mentioned that. The docking objects don't require an aircraft config but only the most forward wheel axis which should be set up correctly in planemaker to give a correct guidance.
  14. I bet it's because your are to far away from the jetway (out of limits). Use "force connect" in the Arrangement tab and read out the values of each slider. Check them against the ones in the installation tab. You can increase the limit for each jetway however that might give you an odd appearance of the jetway object as the limits are set to maximum of what the object can handle by default.
  15. In theory yes but as you said due to the small number of airports (personally don't know any these days) we skipped that. Furthermore we would like to use this door for something else in the future
  16. Generally yes so it's probably more a configuration issue. The next version will indicate the wrong values so it will be way easier to check.
  17. Not sure if they might changed the identification names in the acf for the 350 after the latest update. That could cause it in case you can't connect it at any airport. Will check that.
  18. This is some kind of the reversed situation like here: So to keep things short: We won't put in any feature which will increase the complexity of either the jetway logic or the integration process until people got used to the current workflow. Your case would require pretty much the same, more complex logic stated in the other topic so nothing for a quick update.
  19. We will create some 0.0 / 0.5m versions of the jetways for the next update. Not specifically your mentioned jetway types but at least something close.
  20. Hi Tim thanks for your feedback. The Aerosoft File Details are changed. Can you confirm that the plugin is not working/loading in macOS 10.10? Greets Marten
  21. The templates are stored in the SAM.xml file in the SAM Library or if you create your own template in the selected scenery. The phantom Jetway issue occurs when you delete an object in WED which has been configured before. SAM won't delete it for you in the config you have to do it manually in the edit Jetways menu. So you better place all objects first before starting to configure them in SAM.
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