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Sam World Jetways show unlicensed in Sam Suite


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Noticed a bug today. I have Sam World Jetways. In Sam Suite Version 1.4.3 it's showing unlicensed. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and it shows it's licensed. If I close Sam Suite and reopen it, it shows it's unlicensed again. In X-Plane I checked out the plugin and it shows World Jetways is activated. I'm assuming there is a problem with Sam Suite recognizing World Jetways. 

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36 minutes ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Can you please verify that steam is running in the background when opening SAM Suite? If it still shows unlicensed while steam is open that would definitely be an issue.

Marten, I don't believe that I'm using Steam with anything on my computer. I'll check to see when I open SAM Suite if Steam is running in the background. All works in X-Plane as it should and the plugin does recognize that I have World Jetways. Just thought it was odd that it started lately displaying that World Jetways was showing unlicensed in Sam Suite. 

Edited by agonyair
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