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Is anyone in here using FlyTampa Las Vegas and have this problem?


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Anyone have FlyTampa Las Vegas and having issues with SAM? I've brought this up on their forum and haven't really got an answer from them. I think that their scenery isn't working well with the newer versions of SAM. I really like their scenery but I'm disappointed that for $32.00 I think I should get at least marshallers at all the gates. I'm interested in hearing from anyone having the same issues as me. Thanks!

b737_4k - 2021-02-05 21.03.52.png

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Hi Marten, issues I'm having with FlyTampa Las Vegas are jetways not lining up appropriately. This isn't a problem on your end it is an issue with the scenery itself since I'm not having issue with this in any other SAM airport scenery. The marshaller issue is that FlyTampa didn't add them in which I think they should since the scenery is kind of expensive and freeware developers have been gracious enough to add them in.

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