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Defect : XCraft 145XR/LR Main Cabin Door opens up on rotation. (Takeoff)


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To Reproduce:

Make sure you have SAM3.

Make sure you are using the XCraft ERJ145XR/LR

Make sure you have GroundService enabled.

Make sure your doors are closed and secured before pushback.

You will notice that as soon as the airplane rotates (airborne) The 145XR/LR's cabin door will open.


I have disabled all my plugins and tried the same as above - NO ISSUE

I have disabled all my plugins except SAM and tried again - PROBLEM OCCURED AGAIN

I have disabled SAM and enabled all my other plugins - NO ISSUE

I have tried to both door animation options (Manual & Auto) - NO EFFECT, ISSUE STILL OCCURING

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@Marten@Stairport After extensive tests. I have finally figured out the issue behind the doors opening upon takeoff.

* When Importing my simbrief plans, I always got an XML exception error from SAM. but have always been ignoring it for the sake for having my payloads and fuel automatically set on the planning page. well this was the cause behind the doors opening.

* So what I have done, is that I stopped importing my simbrief plans into SAM for a couple of flight and have entered all my loads manually which resulted in no further issue.

That being said, I still wonder what that XML Exception is, and how to get rid of it.



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