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Add aircraft profile to SAM GS


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I don't want different setup for the same aircraft. I would like to add new aircrafts with their own profile. I already tried and add a new xml but still saying there is no setup for that aircraft. 

I guess the second line of the xml describes which aircraft belongs to the xml. "author" and "description" is clear. Where can I find the "acf id" and the "name"?

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I'd like an answer for this as well, as I was trying to add a GS config for an aircraft not on the compatibility list. Where does the data go when you hit "Save Configuration" for things like door location, fuel tanks, and ground vehicle configs. I'm not finding anything new under plugins/SAM/aircraft.

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I'll preface that I'm running on a Mac, so maybe there's a bug, but I tried creating a new config, and took screenshots of all the coordinates. It did not save to a new "aircraft.xml" file under the main SAM directory. I had one previously that just had the aircraft type and door config done (which didn't load in sim), so I took that file, using the data from the screenshots, and fleshed this file out. @Marten@Stairport, can you look at this and see what I'm missing? It's for the AD Simulations CRJ-900. Unfortunately, I have to copy and paste the text from the file, but the file name and the acf id do match. If I can figure out how to customize Ground Services for a few aircraft, I'll be a pretty happy camper! 👍

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<acf id="CRJ_900" name="crj-900.acf" author="Andrzej Borysewicz Dimitris Koronakis Kostas Koronakis" description="Bombardier CL-600-2D24">


        <passenger supported="true" max="76" unit_weight_kgs="80" load_speed_per_min="1428" unload_speed_per_min="1285" vehicle_dispatch_delay_sec="2">


                <stair dispatch_delay="1" vehicle_type="boardingRamp" spawn_pos_rel_x="-15.0" spawn_pos_rel_y="-13.45" spawn_pos_rel_psi="-90" dock_pos_rel_x="-4" dock_pos_rel_y="-13.43" dock_pos_rel_psi="-90" precise_docking="true" use_manual_routing="false" open_acf_door_before_docking="false" use_aircraft_door="true" aircraft_door="LF1">

                    <manual_dock_in_points />

                    <manual_return_points />


                        <animation label="deployed" idle_value="0" active_value="1" />

                        <animation label="height" idle_value="2.0" active_value="1.8" />




            <baggage supported="true" unit_weight_kgs="35" load_speed_per_min="650" unload_speed_per_min="590">


                    <loader dispatch_delay="0" vehicle_type="baggageLoader" spawn_pos_rel_x="-15" spawn_pos_rel_y="40" spawn_pos_rel_psi="0" dock_pos_rel_x="-3.4" dock_pos_rel_y="7.8" dock_pos_rel_psi="-90" precise_docking="true" use_manual_routing="false" open_acf_door_before_docking="false" use_aircraft_door="true" aircraft_door="C3">

                        <manual_dock_in_points />

                        <manual_return_points />


                            <animation label="height" idle_value="0" active_value="2.282" />


                        <cart dispatch_delay="20" vehicle_type="tug" spawn_pos_rel_x="-5.0" spawn_pos_rel_y="40.0" spawn_pos_rel_psi="0" dock_pos_rel_x="-14.0" dock_pos_rel_y="9.0" dock_pos_rel_psi="130" precise_docking="false" use_manual_routing="true" open_acf_door_before_docking="false" use_aircraft_door="false" acf_dataref_open_name="" acf_dataref_open_type="dataRef" acf_dataref_close_name_unique="false" acf_dataref_open_value="1" acf_dataref_closed_value="0" acf_dataref_anim_delay_seconds="5" trailer_count="2" trailer_type="baggageCart">


                                <point pos_rel_x="-5.0" pos_rel_y="30.0" pos_rel_psi="0" />

                                <point pos_rel_x="-10.0" pos_rel_y="17.0" pos_rel_psi="0" />



                                <point pos_rel_x="-20.0" pos_rel_y="20.0" pos_rel_psi="0" />

                                <point pos_rel_x="-5.0" pos_rel_y="40.0" pos_rel_psi="0" />


                            <vehicle_anim_sequence />







            <pylon rel_x="13.0" rel_y="5.5" rel_psi="0" />

            <pylon rel_x="-13.0" rel_y="0" rel_psi="0" />

            <pylon rel_x="0" rel_y="18.5" rel_psi="0" />

            <chock rel_x="-1.88" rel_y="1.32" rel_psi="0" distance="0.838" />

            <chock rel_x="1.88" rel_y="1.32" rel_psi="0" distance="0.838" />



    <door position="LF1" x="-2.45000005" y="-0.340000004" z="-15.1999998" psi="3.10899997" />


Edited by SDGstudios
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I found the solution for my problem. The xml filename has to be exactly the same as the acf. Of course inside the xml also.

I asked this because beta testing an existing aircraft new version and wanted the same immersion as with the old version. NDA signed and therefore cannot share more details about the project.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...


That's a bit weird indeed. It will be saved in SAM/aircraft.xml. From there you need to copy the entries into a seperate xml file and place it in the aircraft subdirectory.

Which aircrafts do you want to set up? Maybe we can cover them too. - Marten of Stairport"

This is great to know.  My aircrafts folder has a file for the FJS 727-200ADV so when I added the fuel tank information it never showed up in this file.  After reading this I found the aircraft.xml file.  I was using the Aircraft config guide on the website and it never mentioned this.  Is there a reason an existing file is not just updated?


Edited by Dakota Pilot
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I have attempted to follow the instructions to add tanks to the FlyJSim 727-200Adv and ended up with this xml file.  However, SAM tells me this plane does not have a valid ground service configuration. Do I need to add more services.  I just have the doors and tanks.  The documentation at https://stairportscenerieshelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/77000515065--groundservice-aircraft-configuration-guide is pretty sparse.

I'm attaching the xml file which is in SAM/aircraft.


Edited by Dakota Pilot
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hello! I am not sure if this is the place to ask about this, but I am trying to make a ground service profile for the 737-MAX8 and 9 for X-Plane 11, but I cannot seem to get it to work no matter what I try. I have tried copying the 737-800 profile for the MAX8 along with making my own (when I make my own, I can click save as many times as I want but it won't actually save). I have attached the 2 profiles I have for the MAX8 and 9 below. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know as I'd love to get this to work. Thanks!

Could not get it to upload directly so here's a drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/140JRxTEZ6lAOJl2z7IgY0FvVeP9Z0aFd/view?usp=share_link

Fixed by changing description name.

Edited by BKinsley
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