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9 files

  1. Delta Customizable Gate Screens

    Have a second monitor or tv? then why not make it look like a Delta Gate! With this file you can customize the gate to your specific Delta flight that you want! This is how the gate TV screens would like like at a Delta specific gate, Mainly at newer airports like SLC,DTW and etc. This is a google slides presentation that will need to be copied to change flight information.
    Installation Instructions:
    1. Make a copy of this slides presentation.
    2. Replace all the flight se find and replace and change flight #’s and times and also destination.
    3. Delete yellow help arrows.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  2. TFLPTEIMOTFQOTS - Tool For Lazy People To Easily Install Mods Onto The Felis Queen Of The Skies

    This is a simple utility designed to save users the hassle of having to re-install their mods onto the Felis 747-200 every time it is updated. It modifies the .acf file to add your mods so that you don't need to do it manually in planemaker. The mods are not included with this utility, it is only an installer and the mod files must still be downloaded and placed into your aircraft folder manually. 
    This tool is for Windows ONLY
    Disclaimer: if you have mods already installed onto your aircraft it will most likely not work. This tool should only be run if you aircraft has no mods currently installed.
    Download the .exe Place it in your Felis 747-200 folder Run the utility and follow the instructions on screen Note: If you have copies of the .acf file they will not be impacted. If you have already installed the GE or RR mods and elect to re-install them it will overwrite your previous GE or RR versions of the aircraft. 
    This tool should be run every time you update the addon
    Window Plug
    GE CF6 Engines
    RR RB211 Engines
    VC-25A (Air Force One)
    Open Source
    This tool is open source. If you find it useful and want to expand it to add more mods (eg. E-4B) please feel free to do so. Message me on discord @StableSystem#2042 if you've made change you wish to be incorperated into this release, or if you have questions about how it works. Source code can be found on the project's Gitlab Repository
    I can provide limited support, however since this is installing unofficial mods there is a limited amount which I can help with. I will try to keep this working for future versions of the aircraft and mods but have no intention of adding additional functionality. 


       (1 review)



  3. xPlaces

    xPlaces is an X-Plane plugin that enriches the 3D worldwide scenery with pins showing the position of:
    populated areas (cities, towns, villages...) natural places like mountains, hills & lakes aeronautical objects: airports, VORs & NDBs, navfixes.
    MS Windows only.
    For further information and instructions see the website.
    Now supporting Vulkan!


       (0 reviews)



  4. Fps Boost V2 for Xplane11 3.0

    About This File
    This is my very first Lua Script  this script gives so 10-20 more FPS
    and is perfect for people with a low to mid range PC`s this Lua script make some small changes in the Visuals
    but i makes a huge diffrent in the fps my fps goes from 30 to 40 and i am really proud of this script it makes what 
    the script should do 
    How to install :
    Just drag the Fpsboost.lua into you Flywithlua Scrips folder and your good.
    There are now 5 Different Options to choose !!!!
    1. Low graphics best FPS 
    2. Mid graphics with normal fps boost
    3. High graphics with a bit of an FPS Boost
    4 Equal for the best Feeling of the Sim with very good FPS
    5 Only FPS boost for very bad PC's impacts the visuals but give huge fps boost
    Now you can choose you own fiele for your personal opinion .
    This mod requiers Flywithlua
    Thanks for the Download and Always Happy Landings 


       (4 reviews)



  5. Random Flight Database 3.5.2

    Random Flight Database is a program that will allow you, depending on one or more criteria, to choose a flight corresponding to existing flights.
    These flights are extracted from a database more than 1,200,00 lines, available in the program. This database is updated in summer 2019.
    You also have a user base that will allow you to share your data files (.XLS) between users to add even more choices.
    Part of it is also dedicated to importing data from the website: https://developer.flightstats.com/
    You must create an account on this site in order to extract (limited to about 6 airports in total for 1 account)
    This import is made 7 days from the moment you make this import.
    Once this import is done, you can import it directly into your user database and / or export it in XLS format for sharing with other users.
    Files are available for free on the org.
    The criteria for choosing your flights are:
    - Airlines
    - Departure airport
    - Arrival Airport
    - Type of plane
    - Day of the week
    - Multiple generation (generates a number of flights determined by the user)
    - flight time (choice of a flight time interval, minimum flight time <X <maximum flight time, where X is the random flight chosen by the random flight database)
    - Continuous (must be associated with Multiple Generation to function, allows to take back the airport of arrival as airport of departure for each generated line)
    2 options are also available to choose a random flight from flightradar 24.
    If you have any comments or improvements, please contact me.
    If you have problems launching the application
    go to the folder C\ Program Files\Random Flight Database\
    Delete the 2 files concerned BASE_Utilisateur.fic and BASE_Utilisateur.ndx
    Run Random Flight Database as an administrator.
    For quick update run the shortcut "Check Update Random Flight Database" place on your desktop with the old version
    Windows Only
    Sorry if the translation is not correct.
    I am French and the translation is not finished Google Translate
    En Français : 
    Random Flight Database est un programme qui vous permettra, en fonction d'un ou de plusieurs critères, de choisir un vol correspondant aux vols existants.
    Ces vols sont extraits d'une base de données de 1 262 465 lignes, disponibles dans le programme. Cette base de données est actualisée en hiver 2018/2019.
    Vous disposez également d'une base d'utilisateurs qui vous permettra de partager vos fichiers de données (.XLS) entre utilisateurs afin d'ajouter encore plus de choix.
    Une partie de celle-ci est également dédiée à l'importation de données du site Web: https://developer.flightstats.com/
    Vous devez créer un compte sur ce site afin de pouvoir extraire (limité à environ 6 aéroports au total pour 1 compte) 
    Cette importation est faite à 7 jours à partir du moment où vous effectuez cette importation. 
    Une fois cette importation effectuée, vous pouvez l'importer directement dans votre base de données d'utilisateurs et / ou l'exporter au format XLS pour le partager avec d'autres utilisateurs.
    Les fichiers sont disponibles gratuitement sur l'org.
    Les critères de choix de vos vols sont:
    - Compagnie
    - Aéroport de départ
    - Aéroport d'arrivée
    - Type d'avion
    - Jour de la semaine
    - Génération multiple (génère un nombre de vols déterminé par l'utilisateur)
    - temps de vol (choix d'un intervalle de temps de vol, temps de vol minimum <X <temps de vol maximum, où X est le vol aléatoire choisi par la base de données de vols aléatoires)
    - Continu (doit être associé à Multiple Generation pour fonctionner, permet de reprendre l'aéroport d'arrivée comme aéroport de départ pour chaque ligne générée)
    2 options sont également disponibles pour choisir un vol au hasard sur le site flightradar 24.
    Si vous avez des commentaires ou des améliorations à apporter, contactez-moi, s'il vous plaît.
    Executer Random Flight Database en administrateur
    Pour mise à jour rapide executer le raccourci "Check Update Random Flight Database" placer sur votre bureau avec l'ancienne version
    Windows Seulement


       (0 reviews)



  6. FlightJobs Connector

    This application was made for personal and shared use freely for X-Plane community, with the objective to improve the simulation experience from the point of view of the Pilots. Other similar tools place the user as an entrepreneur in aviation, buying aircraft and limiting their flights by type of aviation. The intention of FlightJobs is to simulate the pilot's work, earning money and experience to be hired by an airline company. Base on that, this tool was constructed and can be improved with the community suggestions.
    Donation link at bottom of the site:


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  7. PassengersFX-NG-VR Basic Edition

    PassengersFX-NG (Next Generation VR Ready 
    Basic Edition
    PassengersFX-NG (Next Generation) VR Ready  - Basic Edition V1.06 Updated 10, February 2019 
    (Note: For PassengersFX to work with the FFA320, you MUST update your aircraft to the latest FFA320 Beta)
    Here is latest  installment of this popular X-Plane plugin. Complete with a " Floating Menu " which can be detached from the X-Plane screen and placed on the desktop or moved to another monitor, All functions will be available from the menu, including the ability to Enable/Disable PassengersFX and ATC, great for online flyers.  This new version will work from the desktop or in VR (Virtual Reality) This new version is the most easiest to use version so far. 
    PassengersFX-NG Basic Edition, which now includes FlyWithLua, set up ready to go.
    Here are some of the features.
    Works with X-Plane 11 in Desktop mode 2D
    Works with X-Plane 11 in VR Mode 3D (Virtual Reality)
    Detailed operations manual with images and instructions.
    Full onscreen menu that can be :
    Moved around the screen.
    Resized to any size.
    Detached from the screen and placed on the Desktop or moved to a second screen.
    Closed and Announcements activated from the normal FWL drop down or by keyboard assignments.
    All PassengersFX Editions can be launched from the menu.
    All manual announcements can be activated from the menu.
    Ability to Enable/Disable PassengersFX from the menu.
    Ability to Enable /Disable ATC from the menu.
    Volume controls for PFX and ATC.
    From the menu the user can.
    Launch any PassengersFX Edition,  lets the user select any version of PassengersFX they have installed.
    Manually Triggered Announcements - Play any announcement from the following categories.

    Crew to Passengers -  11 Announcements
    Pilot to Crew - 7 Announcements ( Available from Payware Versions only)
    Pilot to Passengers - 7 Announcements (Available from Payware Version only
    Custom User Sounds - User can add 5 custom sounds to the Basic Edition
    Custom User Sounds - User can add 10 custom sounds to Payware versions)

    Enable/Disable PassengersFX and ATC
    Enable or Disable Passengers FX
    Enable or Disable ATC
    Volume Controls
    Slider Controls for PassengersFx and ATC volumes.
    Complete your PassengersFX immersion with the following add-on product X-ATC-Chatter from Stick and Rudder Studios.
    Over 35 high-definition sounds, Including ambience, chatter, music, safety video, announcements and more. Announcements that are both automatically triggered and manually played. You can adjust their volume to using your keyboard. Dynamic Sound levels dependent on your position in the aircraft, move from the cockpit to the cabin and notice everything getting louder.
    Environment-dependent chatter Hear your passengers quiet down when you’ve reached cruising altitude. Compatible with all aircraft with two or more engines. Your passengers are ready to go with you, regardless of the airline. Constant development and support. New features are being added all the time, and I am right here for support.
     Users requiring help or support with PassengersFX-NG - Basic Edition should contact me (the Developer) direct by PM,
    Renaming, Deleting files, folders or modifying the PassengersFX code will cause you problems.
    Please read the install instructions and manual in the docs folder for full instructions of how to install and operate
    PassengersFX-NG (Next Generation VR Ready - Interactive - Basic Edition
    PassengersFX-NG  - Basic Edition - “Adding realistic passengers and Crew  to your aircraft” 
    PassengersFX-NG - Basic Edition is add-on for X-Plane which adds many sounds to your aircraft to immerse you into an airline environment.
    Support.  If you need support with PassengersFX-NG - Basic Edition,
    please send a PM ( Personal Message) and we will endeavour to answer your questions as soon as possible.
    In the downloaded files you will find the following documentation:
    Install instructions - Please read to ensure correct installation of PassengersFX-NG - Basic Edition.
    PassengersFX Manual - Please read this manual, it contains important information such as
    How to install.
    Answers to FAQ’s
    How to play manual announcements
    If you need support with PassengersFX, please send a PM ( Personal Message) and we will endeavour to answer your questions as soon as possible.
    Known Bugs.
    Enjoy PassengersFX - You are no longer alone on the ground or in the sky.
    Cap’t Kev.
    X-Plane Addicted.


       (0 reviews)



  8. AFM M20R Smart Co-pilot Config

    SmartCopilot Config File for the AFM OVIII 
    Here is my Smart Copilot Config file for the AFM OVIII  Currently Requires Testing But I think Im pretty Close!!  
    What is Should Synced
    Pilot & Copilot  Every Switch & Circuit breaker Both GN1000 Panels  Annunciation Panel Autopilot  (Please Test this) Xplane Failures Circuit Breakers Popping Pilot Only (Who Has Control) Flight Controls  (if it can alter the Speed and Attitude Directly) Cabin Heating  Alternate Air Sources Static Objects (Pilots Responsibility to remove Covers Etc) Master Fuel Quantity TKS Quantity Engine Fuel Flow Current Time of Day Weather The Basic Setup : 
    The config file is set to refresh the weather every 2 hours NOAA where X-plane gets its weather is only updated every hour at 10 past the hour. Personally I would set the same in Xplane. 
    Both set the aircraft same location (including Gate) Cold and dark cockpit (All Switches off) 
    Master initializes the connection the time of day and weather will be sent as soon as your connected (give it a couple of seconds to update) you should then be good to go!! 
    Just to stop any problems  I would recharge the batteries, refill the oxygen and TKS prior to Connection.
    Again please comment on any bugs you find And Enjoy!!! 


       (0 reviews)



  9. Flight Factor A320 - Shared Cockpit File [SmartCopilot]

    Shared Cockpit File for the Flight Factor A320 - Thank you for more than 1.000 Users!!! We appreciate your support!
    IT'S A PLEASURE to release this version and upcoming UPDATES on THRESHOLD!
    Captain Dave is releasing the first SmartCopilit File for the Airbus A320 by FlightFactor...
    It is currently under beta status... almost everything is working now! Nevertheless there are some bugs which can not be fixed until now.
    I will continue my work all the time and you can send me all your bugs!!
    - Almost the whole overhead is working (except APU Fire test, which caused huge fps drops)
    - MCDU are synced well, make sure not to type very fast and press sometime a bit longer. PopUp should work, but try to avoid it.
    - Radios, FCU, Pedestal, Joystick, Rudders, Thrust Levers... and more are working
    You will have to install the A320 Connector plugin from @mokny
    The FFA320 Connector allows to have intern variables of the Aircraft as Dataref! So if you wanna use datarefs, you can also use this plugins.
    However, the plugin from him was taken from the store and cannot longer be downloaded! If you do NOT OWN it, write me a private message or try to conact him.
    Drop the custom.cfg into the FF A320 Connector folder.
    Then paste the smartcopilot.cfg in the Flight Factor Aircraft folder.
    That's it!
    ... thank you so much to your amazing help. The biggest thanks to all of them who helped me with the file.
    Biggest thank to @CaptainLouis - check him out!!
    @mokny - Thanks for the amazing plugin and your help! You are great!
    @Applefan1902 - Thanks for helping me and your great bug reports !
    @Birdy.dma - Amazing work and help! Improvements in the files
    Thanks to @cZollo, @Matthew Christopher, @WR269, @SCollins, @falko06 and more more more!! You are a amazing community!


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