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1.11 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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So we have started 1.11t versions (been on it for some time since the release of 1.10)
The following screenshots do not look like much. In fact they look worse than 1.10 - and visually they are.

That is not the point - these are stripped of the layers that give the clouds detail and are our refined base shapes which is one of the things we work on in paralell to performance, known issues and bugs.

Performance has highest priority, but it just isn't something that is visual. And as I have mentioned performance will take some time since we have to change some core elements and do some proper testing. We might have a path for the short term for 4k users though. Working on that right now and wioll start testing of it soon.











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A few question Kaptain,

Thanks for sharing the 1.11 screenshots, i can see you are revising the drawing board to leap to the next level... GREAT STUFF....

while am sure the team is busy with optimization and promised features wrap as per published road map... 
I have a rather fundamental question about the formations of clouds.. irrelevant to any specific build carrying on right now....

My questions:

  1. Can you enumerate what cloud types do you plan to support  with the volumetric rendition?
  2. Apart from Clouds, do you plan to implement volumetric visualization for tornadoes/thunderstorms?
  3. How do you give the clouds their final looks?
    • is it based on Thermodynamics Mathematics referenced to METAR data (usually requires more intensive calculations)
    • is it based on Visual Approximation Algorithms referenced to METAR data (more performance and lighter weight  )

      Above question came to mind after reading: http://www.markmark.net/cloudsim/
      A paper referring to physically-based, visually-realistic interactive cloud simulation. modeled using partial differential equations describing fluid motion, thermodynamic processes, buoyant forces, and water phase transitions. 

Much excited about 1.11..... 1.1x

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25 minutes ago, Bakr said:

A few question Kaptain,

Thanks for sharing the 1.11 screenshots, i can see you are revising the drawing board to leap to the next level... GREAT STUFF....

while am sure the team is busy with optimization and promised features wrap as per published road map... 
I have a rather fundamental question about the formations of clouds.. irrelevant to any specific build carrying on right now....

My questions:

  1. Can you enumerate what cloud types do you plan to support  with the volumetric rendition?
  2. Apart from Clouds, do you plan to implement volumetric visualization for tornadoes/thunderstorms?
  3. How do you give the clouds their final looks?
    • is it based on Thermodynamics Mathematics referenced to METAR data (usually requires more intensive calculations)
    • is it based on Visual Approximation Algorithms referenced to METAR data (more performance and lighter weight  )

      Above question came to mind after reading: http://www.markmark.net/cloudsim/
      A paper referring to physically-based, visually-realistic interactive cloud simulation. modeled using partial differential equations describing fluid motion, thermodynamic processes, buoyant forces, and water phase transitions. 

Much excited about 1.11..... 1.1x

  1. Can you enumerate what cloud types do you plan to support  with the volumetric rendition?
  2. Apart from Clouds, do you plan to implement volumetric visualization for tornadoes/thunderstorms?
  3. How do you give the clouds their final looks?
    is it based on Thermodynamics Mathematics referenced to METAR data (usually requires more intensive calculations)
    is it based on Visual Approximation Algorithms referenced to METAR data (more performance and lighter weight  )

    It's not that easy. And I won't go in to this now as it is paretially not public info.
  4. Above question came to mind after reading: http://www.markmark.net/cloudsim/
    A paper referring to physically-based, visually-realistic interactive cloud simulation. modeled using partial differential equations describing fluid motion, thermodynamic processes, buoyant forces, and water phase transitions. 

    You can't draw direct lines to other applications since a lot of tech just does not work in X-Plane environment. I don't have the time to read the paper you refer to either. I won't be commenting on most of deep tech details anyway since it's not public information. Sorry.



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A small collage of a couple of the images found in the archives.
If there is some interest I could make sort of a timeline thing showing the complete development.

We're working hard on performance and we'll start inner test team testing of a couple of solutions tomorrow. One of them being 4k specific.
Update on progress coming soon.


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The above screenshots  - BY FAR - from first glance - are at a TOTALLY WHOLE NEW LEVEL than initial release of 1.10 -- and MUCH SUPERIOR than before --- and Look MORE NATURAL.
Overall, bringing a whole New Breath in the XP world.... Wow.... GREAT JOB.

The forms of clouds has really evolved and is maturing as we see. 


My wish for next iteration:

along with anticipated enhancement work on night environment  - is to have the light scattering on clouds during sunset and sunrise to look more natural..whereby clouds get a pink-color treat effect as being let from below...


Edited by Bakr
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Some of you are getting unpatient for an update and are loudly complaining. I usually ignore those and it will never affect our workflow in any way. If anything I need to strain myself so it does not slow things down. We have a plan and nothing you say will change our course.

But, here is a short update on 1.11:

| We are at 1.11t24 |

We're working hard on several fronts. The approach on performance increase we had hoped for didn't pan out to be as lucrative as we had hoped. It will however be the basis for a way forward to enable performance increases in the future. 1.11 will probably give a slight gain for some but not much. We had to postpone the 4k specific tasks and we might choose to do those in 1.12 so we get some progress going. We also have no less than three ideas to test out and see if they will get performance to a level where we can start easing up on restrictions.

xEnviro is like a wild horse that is eager to let itself loose in the wild but held back by straints because the wild can't handle the horse yet.. 😉

We'll see how things settle the next couple of days. NO ETA on 1.11. As per usual. Here is a small sneak peak on a coupøle of additions on the settings menu (might not be final layout)06.JPG.4b53809361507432515c5b84a841b0d6.JPG

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  • 3 weeks later...

A trip back the memory lane 😃

This is the last time I had a seriously good time in xEnviro cloudsurfing. Test versions back then were limited lego sets. Parts of a main that still were to be assembled. Clouds had better definition, sampling resolution and less grain. But it kind of dawned on us how heavy xE was about to become. So I had one last cloud surfing moment before dialing back resolution and prepare the beta group for release testing. I seriously miss that though. Want that back. And we're slowly getting there.

So this is my update for the day - we don't have anything interesting to show because xEnviro is in pieces.
Progress is being made. No eta on 1.12 as per usual

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