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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Hi Captain,

I'm currently using x1.09 S , 

I just noticed that the clouds shadows on the ground are too dark. 

it's so dark that we can't see objects or ground textures on a daytime in broken or overcast conditions.

I really hope it will be fixed on x1.10 and you will adjust the shadow lighten on the ground to be displayed like on real life.

best regards,

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On 9/17/2018 at 11:05 PM, CaptainDave said:

They are amazing! Wow you guys are doing an amazing job. This looks great. Really like the new scattered clouds. And they look so real!

I can't wait for this update ? moving clouds are coming also with this update right?

Clouds have always moved. 1.10 will be no different except that clouds form are affected by the wind to some extent as well. 

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10 hours ago, john1001 said:

Hi Captain,

I'm currently using x1.09 S , 

I just noticed that the clouds shadows on the ground are too dark. 

it's so dark that we can't see objects or ground textures on a daytime in broken or overcast conditions.

I really hope it will be fixed on x1.10 and you will adjust the shadow lighten on the ground to be displayed like on real life.

best regards,

Are you using a shader or similar? I don't see that problem at all. But. In any case the whole atmosphere model is reworked for 1.10 so comparing 1.10 to any previous version will be hard. 

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On 9/25/2018 at 8:47 PM, john1001 said:

Beautiful shadows,  Better than x1.09 s .

the shadows have more natural look now.

The intensity of light shadows will be variable or    fixed ? 

Look... xEnviro is a complete environment engine with its own atmosphere that calculates the visuals based on the light from the sun and molecule calculations. This means that everything you see is variable based on sun's position in relation to weather and altitude data. Call it our form of ray tracing if you will. (same but different) Light is affected by the atmosphere it travels through. This has an effect on everything. Even seasonal and mountain snow.

Shadows look more real and natural because they are cast from volumetric clouds. The shape of the cloud shapes the shadow. Further more they will be effected by haze and other environment effects (which has been removed in the last pics). It's all complex but getting less fragile for every step we complete.

I guess what I am saying is that you can not compare 1.09 with 1.10. It's two very different environment engines now where 1.10's atmosphere has been reworked from the ground up.

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