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Engine Suggestions.


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Yo All, I've pinned a topic for you guys to post a suggestion of what engine you'd like to see made and for what bird and I'll consider that model/aircraft.

Please don't include A350 engine as I've had to scratch that off due to it having wing/engine flex that may make it impossible to replace.

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And for a second one, it would be nice to see CFM56 and IAE V2500 for the A320-family.

Neither ToLiss nor FlightFactor was able to create an acceptable version of the CFM, FF didn't even bother to try for an IAE. Therefore, well-made versions of these would be highly appreciated.


I know that there is an IAE-mod out there and that the IAE therefore might not have top-priority. But I don't think that the mentioned mod is acceptable (too round, wrong shapes etc) and I do not like it.


Airbus A320 HD CFM56-5B4 Pilot Edition Sound Pack for FSX/P3D by Turbine  Sound Studios


FAA ordnet sofortige Checks an A320-Triebwerken an

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I agree, although imo the engines that come with it are fine for the time being acting as both PW and GE (yes, I know they're not the same but they look quite similar from a purely visual point of view and they don't look too bad either if you compare them to other engines around). 

So concluding for me at least RB211 engines for the default 747 (and thereby also all its mods) would be a dream come true. Finally some BA ops with the Queen. 

Edited by Herr_Hornbuckele
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My n.1 on wishlist is the CF6-80C2 for the default/msparks 747-400. The engine/cowling are already there for the 767, so the work would be "only" the pylons.

N.2 would be PW and RR for the FF777, because the ones that come with it are awful, even look too small

Edited by pdiniz
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On 1/16/2021 at 4:33 PM, Hoonerbackston said:

And for a second one, it would be nice to see CFM56 and IAE V2500 for the A320-family.

Neither ToLiss nor FlightFactor was able to create an acceptable version of the CFM, FF didn't even bother to try for an IAE. Therefore, well-made versions of these would be highly appreciated.


I know that there is an IAE-mod out there and that the IAE therefore might not have top-priority. But I don't think that the mentioned mod is acceptable (too round, wrong shapes etc) and I do not like it.


Airbus A320 HD CFM56-5B4 Pilot Edition Sound Pack for FSX/P3D by Turbine  Sound Studios


FAA ordnet sofortige Checks an A320-Triebwerken an

There is already an IAE mod out for FFA320 and for the Toliss Family, Also a CFM mod for the Toliss Family is already available. So there is no need ffor another IAE,CFM mod.

IAE:OFFICIAL - IAE Engine Mod - Heavy Metal - X-Pilot (x-pilot.com)

CFM: CFM-56-5A Engine MOD for Toliss 319 and 321 - Airliners - X-Plane.Org Forum (x-plane.org)

Also dont forget, that different Airlines uses different Pylons, so not all mods are wrongly modeled , just because you compare it with some pictures and they look different.


Edited by Parabas
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10 hours ago, pdiniz said:

would be PW and RR for the FF777, because the ones that come with it are awful, even look too small

I have to agree the 777 engines needs some love most definitively.  But if I would have to select & vote, then it would be for RB 211 engines on the 747.  Don't take my words on it though Carda.  Modding these engines would need a small flight model update, no?

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On 1/13/2021 at 7:29 AM, DanielR1 said:

I've been dreaming for the Trent 7000s to allow us to fly A330 NEOs! Mod for both JAR and RW A330s would be great. A much needed aircraft in x-plane IMO




I think the JAR 330 is CEO and the Trent 7000s are for the NEOs, which is a new equipment type in itself?

Btw here is a wild suggestion: default MD-80. lol!


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6 hours ago, kastyr1 said:

I have to agree the 777 engines needs some love most definitively.  But if I would have to select & vote, then it would be for RB 211 engines on the 747.  Don't take my words on it though Carda.  Modding these engines would need a small flight model update, no?

Well need, not really but surely that would make them even better. AFAIK mSparks already has all the systems ready to modify for the RB211, he's just waiting for someone making a proper model for it. So that should be no problem. 

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If you wanna do one for the FFA350 RR Trent engine that would be greatly appreciated. The models by FF are god awful. I love flying this thing but thats my only set back or I would fly it more often. My camera views for the engines are off limits until I can find better model with better performance. lol

Edited by mmeares
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